Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 161 C. University Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy The complete and most current NSU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy is available online at /title-ix. The Title IX Resolution Procedures are used to investigate and resolve formal complaints of sexual harassment under Title IX, which include the following: 1. Quid pro quo Harassment by an Employee 2. Denial of Access 3. Title IX Sex Offense a. Nonconsensual sexual penetration b. Nonconsensual sexual contact c. Nonforcible sexual offenses d. Dating Violence e. Domestic Violence f. Stalking 4. Retaliation If a report of sexual misconduct does not fall under the jurisdiction of Title IX, it is subject to the procedures in Section D. University Disciplinary Procedures, as well as any procedural protections afforded by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This includes the violations below, as defined in the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy. 5. Non-Title IX Sex Offense 6. Sexual Harassment 7. Gender-Based Harassment 8. Sexual Exploitation 9. Hostile Environment D. University Disciplinary Procedures D.1 Introduction A student (or student organization) who is alleged to have violated policies of the NSU Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility and/or any other university policies and procedures (other than the University Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy) may be charged under the NSU Student Disciplinary Process. Conduct actions relating to fraternity and sorority student organizations may be addressed in accordance with the student conduct procedures detailed in the NSU Fraternity and Sorority Life Manual, at the discretion of the dean of students. A complaint may be made by any member of the university and/or nonuniversity community. The process through which students (or the student