Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 147 D. Academic Probation A student may be placed on probation by the committee for any of the following academic deficiencies: • The student fails a block, required clinical rotation, or elective clinical rotation. • The student fails a required national exam. • The student fails to maintain acceptable academic standards, including demonstrating borderline performance on repeated formative evaluations, final competency evaluations, or national examinations. Multiple or repeated SCs in any block, course, clerkship, or competency may indicate a student’s performance is cumulatively at risk, requiring monitoring or remediation. • The student fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress. (See Section A.) The committee will review the status of all students on probation annually. E. Isolated Deficiency A student may be placed on academic probation by the committee if the student receives an isolated deficiency in a course, clerkship, or elective after the student’s academic record is reviewed by the SPAC. Alternatively, the committee may also assign a specific isolated deficiency remediation (see Section G) without placing the student on academic probation. F. Additional Academic Concerns The ADASA and the SMS will monitor formative feedback/evaluations pertaining to medical students, including monitoring grades/assessments of SC. The SMS may refer a student to the SPAC if the student receives feedback from small groups, blocks, courses, clinical clerkships, or elective clinical rotations indicating the student is noted for borderline performance on repeated formative evaluations, final grade evaluations, or national examinations. The SPAC may determine that multiple or repeated SCs in any course or competency indicates a student’s performance is cumulatively at risk, requiring monitoring or remediation. After reviewing the concerns, the committee may place the student on academic probation for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. The committee may also assign remediation (see Section G) without placing the student on academic probation. G. Remediation The committee may require one or more remedial measures to be successfully completed by the student for the student to be removed from academic probation and returned to good standing. Typical remedial measures include • repeating a block, course, required clinical rotation, or elective clinical rotation with a passing grade • successfully completing required block, course, or clerkship remediation • repeating the entire year/phase with passing grades • successfully completing required competency remediation • successfully passing required school or national exams