Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 145 During an administrative break in enrollment, the student must follow the prescribed instructions and requirements associated with the administrative break in enrollment and, if applicable, complete rehabilitation or treatment for the reason that precipitated the necessity for the administrative break in enrollment. Any excused absence that extends beyond two weeks will result in an IP or withdrawal from the course depending on whether the student has completed more or less than 50 percent of the coursework. To resume the program, the student may be required to meet with the SPAC and show that the preestablished instructions and requirements have been met, and that the student shows reasonable likelihood that the previous problem(s) will not recur. The SPAC will make a decision as to whether the student may resume the program. Such decisions are appealable pursuant to the due process/appeal procedures outlined in this handbook. 3. Course Status During an Administrative Break in Enrollment If a student will be on an administrative break in enrollment for 50 percent or more of any course (miss half or more of a course), the student will be withdrawn from the course(s) (see the Withdrawal from a Course section in this handbook). In all such cases, a grade of Withdrawal (W) will be noted on the student’s transcript. In such cases of withdrawal from a course, the student must repeat the course in its entirety during the next course offering, after returning from administrative break in enrollment, and will receive the earned grade. Until the course is repeated, the student may not progress to the next class year of study. As a result, a student may be reclassified to a subsequent class year if the next course is not offered until the following year. If a student did not begin one or more courses during the semester in which the student begins the administrative break in enrollment, those courses will not be reflected on the student’s academic record and transcript. If a student will be on an administrative break in enrollment for less than 50 percent of any course (miss less than half of a course), the student will be issued a grade of In Progress (IP) for the course(s). The course director(s) involved will be notified and consulted regarding possible dates of return and time allowed for making up missed coursework and examinations. While on an administrative break in enrollment, a student is not eligible to attend any class or laboratory session, make up incomplete class work, or take any class examinations. A student who is on an administrative break in enrollment is not eligible to take the USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 examinations unless the administrative break in enrollment is for failure to pass either examination by the designated deadline, or except by special permission from the SPAC. A student who has been scheduled for one or more remediation examinations, or one or more course retakes, is not eligible to take an administrative break in enrollment except for documented medical reasons or for special circumstances approved by the Office of the Dean. A student requesting an administrative break in enrollment beyond one year in length may be required to meet with the SPAC, which will make a decision regarding resumption of the program. Such decisions are appealable pursuant to the due process/appeal procedures outlined in this handbook.