134 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Commitments of Students and Residents • We pledge our utmost effort to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors required to fulfill all educational objectives established by the faculty members. • We cherish the professional virtues of honesty, compassion, integrity, fidelity, and dependability. • We pledge to respect all faculty members and all students and residents as individuals. • As physicians in training, we embrace the highest standards of the medical profession and pledge to conduct ourselves accordingly in all our interactions with patients, colleagues, and staff members. • In fulfilling our own obligations as professionals, we pledge to assist our fellow students and residents in meeting their professional obligations, as well. Relationships Between Teachers and Students Students and teachers should recognize the special nature of the teacher-learner relationship, which is in part defined by professional role modeling, mentorship, and supervision. Because of the special nature of this relationship, students and teachers should strive to develop their relationship to one characterized by mutual trust, acceptance, and confidence. Both must recognize the potential for conflict of interest and respect appropriate boundaries. Code of Academic and Professional Conduct for Students in NSU MD The practice of the art and science of medicine must be based on reverence for life, compassion and respect for the patient, competence, and integrity. The same holds true for the art and science involved in scientific and research endeavors. Hence, NSU MD expects its students to exhibit compassion; to be considerate and respectful toward patients, their families, instructors, staff members, and each other; to grow in knowledge and clinical skill; and to act honorably at all times. Each matriculating class of NSU MD medical students will recite their Class Code of Conduct at a ceremony immediately following completion of Professional Immersion, before they begin the Fundamentals block and Practice of Medicine 1 course, marking their readiness to tread the path leading to the M.D. degree. This Code of Conduct will be written by the students themselves, based on small group exercises and discussions of appropriate academic and professional conduct for students of medicine. The exercise and discussions will be facilitated by NSU MD faculty members. The Code of Conduct for each class will be posted in classrooms, used in reflective exercises in various courses, and serve as a guide for student behavior throughout their studies in NSU MD. By writing and reciting their own Code of Conduct, students will pledge to adhere to its tenets throughout medical school, in all settings that reflect upon the integrity and suitability of the student to practice medicine. Successful progression through the curriculum and graduation with the M.D. degree are contingent upon the student’s adherence to the Code of Conduct of the class and to the AMA Principles of Conduct for medical students.