Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Program 2024–2025 127 • w ho witnessed and reported an event involving the student that calls into question the student’s competency in ethics and professionalism or communication that is the subject of review by SPAC or the Student Monitoring Committee, or • who, as block, course, or clerkship director issued a failing grade to a student that is the subject of review by the SPAC may provide factual information, but will not be involved in the academic assessment of—or in decisions or deliberations about—the promotion of that student. Preface: Assessments in and promotions through the academic programs of NSU MD are expected to be made fairly, impartially, and without bias. On occasion, a student may have a close personal relationship with or will have been provided medical or mental health services by a faculty member, either before or after the student has enrolled in the NSU M.D. program. Because such a faculty member has access to sensitive and confidential information that might have the tendency to influence the faculty member’s judgment about the student’s academic performance, such faculty members are not permitted to participate in the academic assessment of or decisions about the promotion of the student. The assessment and promotion process should consider only academic and humanistic considerations when assessing student performance. To accomplish that goal, both faculty members and students have an obligation to alert the Office of Medical Education so such situations may be avoided. In addition, SPAC members must identify as early as possible any situation that could reasonably call into question the judgment of the member. The SPAC chair will ensure any member of the SPAC with a conflict of interest will be recused from committee deliberation and decision-making. Policy: As soon as a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest is recognized, faculty members participating in the college student assessment process shall recuse themselves from both assessment of the student in blocks, courses, or clerkships and any discussion of and voting on the student. A conflict of interest is present if the faculty member has or has had a treatment relationship with the student or has or has had a close personal or familial relationship with the student. Faculty members shall bring any conflict to the attention of the director of Student Affairs as soon as they become aware of the situation. Generally, any conflict is considered resolved by 1) recusal of the affected faculty member from an academic assessment role or proceedings involving the student before the SPAC, or 2) if the faculty member is in a position to mentor or assess the student in other NSU MD educational activities, the replacement of the faculty member with an unconflicted faculty member or reassigning the student to an appropriate alternative experience. The executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs will determine whether additional steps should be taken to manage the potential conflict. Procedure for Students with a Prior or Ongoing Relationship with a Faculty Member or Resident Physician In the case that a student is assigned to work with a faculty member or resident physician with whom the student had a prior or ongoing professional care provider relationship or close personal relationship, either party must request that the student be granted an immediate change of assignment without fear of reprisal for this request. The student should contact the director of Student Affairs, who will facilitate an immediate reassignment for the student. The faculty member should contact the director of Student Affairs, who will alert the course/clerkship director immediately about the need to change the assignments and to ensure that the faculty member will have no influence on the assessment or