112 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Program 2024–2025 courteous, professional, and respectful manner. A candidate must be able to tolerate physically taxing workloads and to function effectively under stress. A candidate must be able to adapt to changing environments, to display flexibility, and to learn to function in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical problems of many patients. A candidate must exhibit professionalism, personal accountability, compassion, integrity, concern for others, and interpersonal skills, including the ability to accept and apply feedback and treat all individuals in a respectful manner. 6. E thics and Professionalism: A candidate must maintain and display ethical and moral behavior commensurate with the role of a physician in all interactions with patients, faculty and staff members, students, and the public. Medical students should understand and function within the legal and ethical aspects of the practice of medicine. Technological compensation can be made in certain of these areas, but a candidate should be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner. The use of a trained intermediary, a person trained to perform essential skills on behalf of the candidate, or a person used such that a candidate’s judgment must be mediated by someone else’s power of selection and observation, is not permitted. In addition to the abilities and skills set forth above, candidates must possess the general physical health necessary for performing the duties of a medical student and physician in training without endangering the lives of patients and/or colleagues with whom the student might have contact. Candidates whose performance is impaired by abuse of alcohol or other substances are not suitable candidates for admission, continuation, promotion, or graduation. Process for Assessing the Applicant’s Compliance with the Technical Standards Applicants are required to attest at the time they accept an offer to matriculate that they meet the college’s technical standards, and thereafter must attest on an annual basis that they continue to meet the standards. These standards are not intended to deter any student who might be able to complete the requirements of the curriculum with reasonable accommodations. Requests from applicants for reasonable accommodations in meeting the technical standards will be reviewed and considered by the NSU Office of Student Disability Services. Students requesting accommodations must complete NSU’s Academic Accommodations Form (nova.edu/disabilityservices/forms/academic_accommodations.pdf). For additional information about the college’s process for assessing an applicant’s compliance with the technical standards, contact the Office of Disability Services at (954) 262-1520, or email HPDdisabilityservices@nova.edu. Additional information can be found on the NSU Office of Student Disability Services web page at nova.edu/disability-services. Background Checks/Continuing Duty to Disclose NSU MD requires students to submit to background checks. Accepted applicants and students in our program (as well as accepted applicants and students in other NSU Health Professions Division [HPD] programs) are required to authorize the HPD to obtain background check(s) as per adopted policy. If the background check(s) reveal information of concern, which the HPD may deem unfavorable, the HPD will request that the individual provide a detailed written explanation of the information contained in this report, along with appropriate documentation (e.g., police reports). Students may also be required to authorize clinical training facilities they are assigned to by the HPD to obtain a background check, with the results reported to the clinical training facility. Students with questions concerning background checks should contact their respective college and/or academic program for more information.