Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

104 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Faculty Adviser (FA) Peer Mentors Academic Success Peer-Assisted Learning STUDENT Networking Career Mentoring Faculty Research Mentoring Tutoring, Study Skills, and Monitoring of Medical Student Performance NSU MD faculty members (block and course directors and other course faculty members) provide tutoring for first- and second-year students who request or need academic assistance and support. Tutoring sessions are free for all medical students and may be provided on an individual or group basis. Assistance with developing effective study skills is provided by the director of Student Success and Learning Excellence (DSSLE), who provides 1) group sessions open to all students early in Year 1 (“Study for Success”) and as needed in other years, and 2) one-on-one meetings. Students may access tutoring services or assistance from the DSSLE through any of the following means: self-referral; suggestion from block or course directors, faculty members, advisers, and mentors; referral by the OSA; or recommendation or mandate of the SPAC. Block, course, and clerkship directors monitor student performance regularly. In the preclerkship curriculum, block and course directors review scores on all exams and faculty feedback on small group performance to identify students who are at risk academically, professionally, or with any of the required competencies, and provide assistance—which may include tutoring they arrange and/or referral to the OSA. In Year 3, clerkship directors monitor all written assessments and patient/procedure logs and meet with students assigned to them regularly throughout the year. Course and clerkship directors and FAs discuss academic difficulties with their students and arrange referrals to the OSA as needed. Students who are identified as at risk of failing a course or clerkship are encouraged to self-refer by making an appointment with their FA. This is an opportunity for students to express their academic and personal concerns and for the OSA to recommend strategies or services to help, including tutoring. Students are encouraged to have ongoing communication with course faculty members to answer questions and obtain additional academic assistance. In addition to NSU MD tutoring services, private and group sessions are available through the RecPlex and the Henderson Student Counseling Center: tutoring, study skill strategies, time management, improving organizational skills, and other special techniques designed to assist students meet the rigorous demands of the curriculum.