Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 103 • Serve as a resource for career advising tools available through the AAMC Careers in Medicine program. • Assist and prepare the student for postgraduate activities (e.g., residency via the National Residency Matching Program, Ph.D., or other graduate studies). NSU MD Policies and Procedures • S erve as a resource with the policies and procedures of the NSU MD and NSU (including the SPAC). • Offer advice and support for students referred to the SPAC for academic issues (including professionalism). • Assist with development and implementation of remediation plans. General Responsibilities • Be available to students via office hours and email; provide backup to other advisers, as needed. • Participate in key medical student events (including orientation, White Coat Ceremony, Match Day, and commencement). In addition to the efforts of the FAs, NSU MD offers a comprehensive array of resources the students may need to be successful in medical school, including the following: • Peer Mentors—Each first-year medical student is assigned a peer mentor (PM); a second-year student who provides advising from the student perspective. Peer mentors are selected each year through collaborative vetting by the FAs and the OASA. • Academic Success Coach—NSU MD has a full-time director of Student Success and Learning Excellence (DSSLE) who supports all students and works with the FAs to provide advising in areas such as study and organizational skills and time management. • Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)—PAL sessions are student-led and provide opportunities for students in the preclinical curriculum to dive deeper into select topics. FAs may encourage their advisees to explore PAL sessions to strengthen proficiency in topics such as anatomy, immunology, and biochemistry. • Research Mentoring—An assigned faculty member reviews student research proposals and works with the FA and the student to properly develop and submit their research proposals. • Faculty/Clinical Mentoring—FAs routinely refer advisees to faculty members and clinicians in the NSU MD community to assist students with content-related issues or to obtain professional and career guidance. In addition, FAs encourage their advisees to build relationships proactively with faculty members and clinicians as part of their ongoing professional development. The NSU MD Advisory System is structured to provide a network of support for students throughout medical school, especially in the areas of mental and physical wellness, academic achievement, and professional development.