Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

102 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Master of Biomedical Sciences (M.B.S.) Program 2024–2025 Makeup examinations and quizzes for excused absences will be offered to students who have submitted the appropriate documentation and have received approval by the course director and the M.B.S. Program Office. The format of a makeup examination will differ from the format of the originally scheduled examination. The format may be, but is not limited to, oral, written (long answer or short answer), matching, fill-in-the-blank, etc. The makeup examination may use a different method of delivery than ExamSoft. While makeup examinations will use a different assessment method, they will fairly assess the course material. All makeup examinations must be completed within one week of the missed exam. Based on the documentation provided by the student in the Time-Off Request Form, an assigned date and time for the makeup examination will be provided in the Time-Off Request Form approval correspondence from the M.B.S. Program Office, if the student absence is excused. If the student is not able, or willing, to take a makeup examination within one week of the original examination, the student is required to meet with an M.B.S. Program Office adviser to discuss applying for an incomplete (I) in the course or withdrawing from the course. If the student misses the scheduled makeup examination, the student will receive a zero for that examination. For each student, no more than four makeup examinations in the M.B.S. program will be allowed during a given semester. If more than four makeup examinations are requested, the student will be required to provide official documentation, as determined by the M.B.S. Program Office, that supports continuation in the M.B.S. curriculum or warrants a leave of absence. Leave of Absence Policy A leave of absence (LOA) is a university-approved temporary period of time during which the student is not in attendance, but is not considered withdrawn from the university. Students who experience extenuating and unavoidable circumstances that prevent them from maintaining an active status through continuous enrollment must consult with their adviser/program office to determine whether their circumstances warrant an LOA request and to discuss the impacts of an approved LOA on their degree/program completion, academic standing, course grades, and conditions for return. Financial aid recipients who wish to request an LOA must also consult with a financial aid counselor to learn about impacts on their financial aid eligibility. An LOA request must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester/term for the leave. An approved LOA must be granted for up to 180 days within a 12-month period. For more details, including the Leave of Absence Request Form, visit the Office of University Registrar’s website at