Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Master of Biomedical Sciences (M.B.S.) Program 2024–2025 101 Students who will be absent from a required activity must contact the M.B.S. Program Office at, and fill out the Time-Off Request Form that can be found at /mbs/time-off-request/index.html. Excused Absences During the educational program, time off is given at the discretion of the M.B.S. Program Office in consultation with the course director and may or may not be granted. It is expected that M.B.S. students will make every effort to minimize or eliminate the need for absences during required scheduled activities. Unexpected Absences If an M.B.S. student has an emergency or illness that prevents the student from attending a scheduled activity, the student is expected to notify the M.B.S. Program Office by email at mbsprogram@nova. edu. It is the responsibility of the student to submit a Time-Off Request Form with the reason and documentation supporting the absence and within 48 hours of the missed activity. The student should also notify the faculty member responsible for teaching the specific session, or course director. Unexcused absences demonstrate unprofessional behavior by the student. Attendance, including tardiness, is part of the evaluation for professionalism, and poor evaluations may result in decreased grades and, in severe cases, referral to the GPC. Absences for Religious Holidays NSU MD abides by the NSU University-Wide Religious Holiday Policy. We urge you to read the entire policy and be aware of the details. See the NSU Student Handbook, NSU University-Wide Religious Holiday Policy section. Visit for more information. A student with a personal religious belief, requesting to be excused from class or an educational activity for a work-restricted religious holiday, shall notify the NSU dean of students, at or (954) 262-7281, within three calendar days after the start of the semester in which the holiday will fall. Exam Attendance Policy Attendance at all examinations and quizzes is required. • Arriving late to an exam or quiz will result in an unexcused absence with no eligibility for a makeup exam or quiz. • Failure to arrive to an exam or quiz without proper prior notification and documentation will result in a zero for the exam with no eligibility for a makeup exam or quiz. Exams and quizzes will be administered via ExamSoft. Students are responsible for having an iPad to take assessments and a second device with a camera to be used for Zoom proctoring. Students are responsible for having a stable Internet connection to download files, take assessments, and be proctored via Zoom. It is expected that all students take examinations, quizzes, and other required assignments at the scheduled date and time.