Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

100 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Master of Biomedical Sciences (M.B.S.) Program 2024–2025 Notification of the Appeal Hearing Decision A final decision letter will be sent to the student via USPS mail to the student’s last official address. All rulings indicated in the decision letter from the GPC will be final and binding. No further option for appeal will be considered. Professional Personal Appearance Policy Dress Code Setting-Specific Clothing Standards 1. P rofessional Didactic Setting a. Students must always wear their NSU I.D. card while on campus. b. Business casual attire is expected. Acceptable attire includes − collared shirt and dress pants (e.g., khakis; however, cargo pants and jeans are not permitted), skirt (knee length), dress (knee length), blouse, sweater (shoulders must be covered), sports jacket (optional), and tie (optional) − (Flip-flops, sandals, T-shirts with graphics, sundresses, tank tops, spandex, and clothing with rips and/or stains are not permitted at any time.) 2. Laboratory or Research Setting a. Students will follow the guidelines as established by the laboratory and/or research faculty members and settings. Unless otherwise directed by the M.B.S. Program Office, scrubs are permitted in anatomy laboratory only. (Students are expected to use the changing facilities next to the laboratory for changing into and out of scrubs.) b. F ollow Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) guidelines at all times (e.g., close- toed shoes are required, and Croc-type shoes are prohibited.) Attendance Policy As future professionals, students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately in all curricular activities, including classroom work, laboratory work, and clinical experiences. The professionalism of a student includes arriving to educational activities on time, staying for and participating in the entire activity, using electronic devices only for coursework during the educational activity, and minimizing disruptions to the educational exercise. Certain activities are experiential and require attendance. Students are personally responsible for attending all required educational activities as specified by the course or program director. Required attendance at didactic lectures varies with the course. Students are expected to arrive at required scheduled activities on time and be ready to begin. Specific attendance and punctuality requirements for courses that vary from this policy will be included in the syllabus or may be communicated by alternate written means, such as email or notice on course websites.