98 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Libraries of Medicine. Hours of operation can be found at nova.edu/hpdlibrary. Additional study space and resources are available at NSU’s main library, the Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center. Its hours are posted at libguides.nova.edu/hours. Additional information on library resources is available in the HPD Policies and Procedures section. Office of Student Affairs Focusing on Medical Student Success and Wellness Our goal is to create a compassionate and caring atmosphere in which each of our students feels comfortable. We make an effort to get to know all our medical students. We pride ourselves on striving to provide resources for your personal health and wellness, as well as academic achievement and excellence. We are your point of contact for assistance in many areas, including academic and personal counseling. We represent the institution and the medical profession to our students and implement institutional policies and procedures. We are also involved with student communications, special programs, letters of recommendation, residency application and the match, and other important aspects of the student experience at NSU MD. We are responsible for administering orientation for new and returning students. In addition, we serve as a liaison to NSU MD Student Government, medical student interest groups, and alumni relations. You may schedule an appointment at any time by calling (954) 262-1737 or by stopping at the Office of Student Affairs, Terry Building, 5th Floor, 3200 South University Drive. Office of Student Affairs Overview The OSA features experienced faculty and staff members who are dedicated to the overall well-being of medical students and provides programs and services for all medical students at NSU from the time of admission to graduation and beyond. Activities include supporting the Office of Admissions in the admissions process; mentorship of students; personal, academic, and financial counseling; support of educational and extracurricular activities including student research; and support of student organizations and leadership opportunities. The OSA provides learning opportunities outside of the formal classroom and clinical settings that are designed to complement and enhance the overall educational experience. Regular hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on university holidays. The assistant dean of Admissions and Student Affairs, the director of Student Affairs, and faculty advisers are also available for urgent student issues or situations. Contact information for urgent matters is provided to medical students during orientation. Most activities in the OSA function in an “open-door” manner so students may visit the office for help and support from the faculty and staff members without making appointments. However, because the OSA is committed to medical student