Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

96 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Member of the university community Refers to trustees, students, faculty and staff members, and all visitors, contractors, and guests to the university or any of its campuses, facilities, or events Notice U sed in the context of delivering a notification to someone. Official correspondence will be sent to the student’s physical address on file with the registrar, or to the NSU email address if the student is a current student. NSU MD uses electronic mail to provide official information to students. Students are responsible for the content of university and NSU MD communications sent to their NSU email account and are required to activate that account and check it regularly. NSU Nova Southeastern University NSU MD NSU’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine OCA Office of Curricular Affairs at NSU MD OESQ Office of Educational Standards and Quality at NSU MD OME Office of Medical Education at NSU MD OSA Office of Student Affairs at NSU MD for the M.D. program OSCE Objective Structured Clinical Examination, a method of testing clinical skills OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PBL Problem-Based Learning, refers to the format of problem-based small group cases used in NSU MD preclerkship courses PCRS Physician Competency Reference Set, refers to AAMC general competencies for training physicians PRN Professionals Resource Network, a resource for impaired physicians and medical students in Florida Respond, Response U sed in the context of having received official correspondence or notice. Students are expected to check their NSU MD email frequently and to answer emails from course directors, as well as faculty and staff members within 24 hours of receipt by contacting the correspondent or following the directions contained in the notice and contacting the person or office identified. Failure to respond promptly to official notices may be considered a failure of the competency of professionalism. SMC Student Medical Center at Nova Southeastern University SMS N SU MD Student Monitoring Subcommittee (a subcommittee of SPAC) SPAC NSU MD Student Progress and Advising Committee