Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Master of Biomedical Sciences (M.B.S.) Program 2024–2025 95 Students eligible for graduation from the program must meet the following criteria: • successful completion of all required courses and select elective courses • a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher • no more than 6 credit hours of coursework with a letter grade of C or lower • demonstrate competence in the M.B.S. program core competencies of biomedical science knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, and ethics and professionalism • completion of all coursework within a five-year period • participation in any required end-of-program exit items Policies for Unsatisfactory Performance of Core Competencies Biomedical science knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, and ethics and professionalism are the core competencies M.B.S. students are expected to acquire and demonstrate. During an M.B.S. student’s course of study, these competencies are monitored by both the faculty members and students. Formative peer assessment of interpersonal and communication skills and ethics and professionalism may be solicited during the M.B.S. program. Summative evaluation of all core competencies by faculty members is included in determination of grades for all courses. Attitudes or behaviors inconsistent with compassionate care; refusal by, or inability of, the student to participate constructively in learning; derogatory attitudes or inappropriate behaviors directed at peers and faculty or staff members; substance abuse; other unprofessional conduct or other alleged violations of NSU’s Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility may indicate unsatisfactory performance in the M.B.S. program’s core competency of professionalism. The Graduate Programs Committee (GPC) may review allegations of conduct that, in its judgment, indicate an academic deficiency and, if a deficiency is found, may dismiss the student. A GPC review of a student’s academic progress does not preclude an NSU review for student conduct code violations. At the discretion of the academic program, violations of college or university conduct/behavioral policies may be referred to the NSU dean of students, to be addressed under the conduct procedures detailed in the NSU Student Handbook. Referral Process for Core Competency Deficiencies of Interpersonal and Communication Skills and Ethics and Professionalism Any faculty member, administrator, or student may report an M.B.S. student for unsatisfactory performance of the following core competencies: • Interpersonal and Communication Skills • Ethics and Professionalism A written report of the alleged deficiency must be submitted to the program director for initial review. The report must include all relevant facts and circumstances. The program director will review the documentation to determine if the deficiency represents a failure of the core competencies of interpersonal and communication skills or ethics and professionalism.