2017 UG Commencement Program
40 C ollege of N ursing R.N. to B.S.N. Theresa Parenteau, D.N.P., M.S.N., R.N.-BC Sally Spooner, C.H.Sc. Entry-Level Nursing Donna Williams-Newman, D.N.P., M.S.N. Blondel Martin, Ph.D., R.N. C ollege of P sychology Aya Shigeto, Ph.D. W. Matthew Collins, Ph.D. H almos C ollege of N atural S ciences and O ceanography Stefan Kautsch, Ph.D. Aurelien Tartar, Ph.D. H. W ayne H uizenga C ollege of B usiness A nd E ntrepreneurship Antonio Figueiredo, Ph.D. Pedro Pellet, Ph.D.
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