2017 UG Commencement Program

39 H almos C ollege of N atural S ciences and O ceanography Jason Gershman, Ph.D. Amy Hirons, Ph.D. H. W ayne H uizenga C ollege of B usiness A nd E ntrepreneurship Barri Litt, Ph.D. Nancy Olson, M.Ed. A fternoon U ndergraduate C eremony A braham S. F ischler C ollege of E ducation Wayne Driscoll, Ed.D. Maria Mendez, Ed.D. C ollege of A rts , H umanities , and S ocial S ciences Jessica Garcia-Brown, J.D. Ellen Kracoff, J.D. C ollege of E ngineering and C omputing Manuel Salinas, Ph.D. C ollege of H ealth C are S ciences Patricia Vargas, D.H.Sc. Tambi Braun, SLP.D.