2017 UG Commencement Program

4 C ollege of A rts , H umanities , and S ocial S ciences Awards presented by Honggang Yang, Ph.D., dean Kim G. Simmons Rafael Canales Wilson C ollege of H ealth C are S ciences Awards presented by Stanley H. Wilson, Ed.D., dean Daryan Rizi Garcia Leante Antonique Williamson C ollege of N ursing Awards presented by Marcella M. Rutherford, Ph.D., dean Cassandra Marie Hackworth Kenneth Allen Smith F arquhar H onors C ollege Awards presented by Don Rosenblum, Ph.D., dean John Harrington Alexandra Marie Ottochian H. W ayne H uizenga C ollege of B usiness and E ntrepreneurship Awards presented by J. Preston Jones, D.B.A., dean Christopher Patricio Salazar O utstanding S tudent A wards A fternoon U ndergraduate C eremony