The Security Corner
Have you seen the
new IT Security
policies? Be sure to
review them here:
This key is a backup unlock method provided to you in case the
unlock-enabled user password is forgotten. You can highlight and copy
this key to print it out, email it or otherwise copy it. Remember that
maintaining a copy of this key on your computer will do you no good
if you forget your login password because it will be encrypted and
inaccessible along with the rest of your data. Make an external copy
or write it down and store it in a secure, but physically retrievable,
location. You are also given the opportunity to store your recovery
key with Apple. When you’ve completed the process of turning on
FileVault, you will be prompted to restart your Mac.
FileVault should finish the initial encryption of your entire hard disk
within a few hours. This happens in the background, and won’t
interrupt normal usage of your computer. In addition to using your
computer, you can sleep, log out and even turn off your computer
during this time.
After you are shown your recovery key, you will be given the
opportunity to store your recovery key with Apple. If you choose to
store your key with Apple, you will presented with three “Choose a
question…” drop-down menus with three corresponding text fields.
Complete the questions and answers in the associated text fields.
If you forget your login password for a OS X Lion FileVault-encrypted
drive, and you had chosen to store your recovery key with Apple, you
may contact AppleCare and request retrieval of your recovery key.
Please take note that the encryption used in FileVault 2 will make
accessing data on your encrypted drive impossible without the
permitted user accounts’ passwords or the recovery key. When you
choose to turn on FileVault, you will no longer be able to auto-login.
Take great care in choosing an account password that you feel is
both secure and easy for you to remember. When enabling FileVault,
carefully write it down or be certain to make a copy of exactly what
is shown and store it outside of your encrypted disk. If choosing to
store your recovery key with Apple, take great care in choosing your
questions and providing answers you can, if needed, clearly convey to
an AppleCare phone support advisor.
For answers to questions on data encryption, contact Carlos DeJesus
at (954) 262-4826 or via email at