New Ariba Features
Ariba On-Demand | Concur Travel and Expense (Coming August 2021) |
Important Information
Training will be required in order to access Concur Travel and Expense.
For those who did not attend one of the live Concur Travel and Expense trainings in July and August, you must participate in a video training session. To access Concur you must complete complete the requirements and score at least a 70% on the associated quiz. A report will be generated for supervisors listing users who have not yet met this criteria.
To complete the training requirement go to Sharklink Under the Faculty/Staff Self Enroll Classes section, click the “Self Enroll” option for the Concur Travel and Expense User Training.
Training will cover topics like What's New, General Navigation, Requests, Booking, Expenses, Mobile App, and more.
Concur Travel and Expense Training Recordings
If you would like to review any of the previously recorded Concur live trainings, they can be found in SharkMedia from the following link:
If you were unable to attend a live training, you have been auto-enrolled in a Canvas course titled, "Ariba On Demand User Training."
If you do not see the course on your Canvas dashboard, or in your Canvas courses list, you may self enroll at the following link:
Click the self enroll button for Ariba On Demand User Training located in the Faculty/Staff Self Enroll Classes section.
Ariba Course Information
You will need to attend or review a previously recorded live training and pass a quiz in order to gain access to Ariba On-Demand.
- The course contains 3 separate modules, each with its own quiz.
- All three modules must be completed.
- The average score of your quizzes must be 70 or above in order to gain access to Ariba On Demand.
Training Documentation
The following training documentation is available to download for reference. Check back regularly for more additions to the document library.
Ariba Training Recordings
If you would like to review any of the previously recorded Ariba live trainings, they can be found in SharkMedia from the following link:
Live Catalogs | Catalogs Pending Final Preparations |
Albers Appliances | School Specialty |
Ariba Support
Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have access to the same accounting combinations I currently use?
Yes, Individuals should be able to access the same accounting combinations in On-Demand as they do in On Premise.
How do I access Ariba On-Demand?

Is there a Concur app for users to easily upload receipts?
Yes. Concur mobile allows you to take a picture on your phone (or tablet), and it will automatically load it into the system. The system will then try to identify what type of expense it is, and will populate much of the data for you.
Does location and date have to be very specific and exactly what the receipt states, just as it is in Ariba or is this more flexible?
Location and date should be specific as in Ariba.
Do we have to upload each receipt separately?
Yes, this software expects a receipt to be attached to the specific expense type. However, it is recommended that the Concur mobile app be used. You can easily take a picture with your phone, and your receipts will be pulled into Concur. When you create the expense report, you just "add them" to the report. You can also create the expense report directly via the mobile app.
Does concur take into account CE/Conference fees etc.?
Conference fees can be reimbursed through the expense side of Concur.
Do we have to wait for approval of the request before making the reservation?
There is still an approval process in place before you can book the travel. Your immediate supervisor will be on the approval flow, and more likely than not a "center approver" for your college will be on the approval flow. It is possible that sponsored projects may be there as well (if you are charging to a grant), or the budget office, if the trip exceeds $1k, and the account is in an NSF status.
Are all expense reports going to be submitted in SAP Concur, or only expense reports associated with travel?
All expense reports will be submitted in SAP concur.
Do we need to book hotel through Ariba or can we still expense on our own?
It is preferred that you book through Concur but you still have the option to book your own and then submit an expense report for reimbursement.
Are we allowed to submit a TA on behalf of others?
Yes. In order to request or book travel (or prepare expense reports) for another user, that other user must update their profile so that you are assigned as a delegate.
What if the person you are acting as does not have a profile?
If you are booking travel on behalf of someone, they should have set up their profile when they first logged in.
Is there a mobile app for the receipt to be uploaded?
Yes. Concur has a mobile app that you can download from the Android and iOS store. Once installed, you can use the app to upload receipts.
Do we have to submit receipts individually or can we put multiple receipts on a scanned page?
Receipts must be loaded individually. It is recommended to use the mobile app because it will save time when loading expenses.
When I am ready to book my travel, I call Universal and they make the bookings that I need. Can I continue to this?
You should first initiate a request via Concur and select have CI Azumano call me to book the travel.
How does someone know the approximate cost of airline or hotel?
On the Concur home screen there is a box on the left that says trip search. You can search for prices in the online tool. Do not reserve your trip from this location. It will not be assigned or ticketed as it's not related to an approved request.
is there any procedure for personal time airfare costs?
For any deviations from your business trip, you will need to click "Send request to CI Azumano for booking." They cannot be booked via the online tool.
Is there a mandate to use Universal Travel?
Universal Travel is now part of CI Azumano. They are still NSU’s Travel Management Company and you should be utilizing the Concur system to request and book travel.
Is Concur used only for travel receipts? Can this be used for items you purchase for your department?
In general, you should be using Ariba to purchase the goods and services you need for your department directly from the vendor (i.e. create a purchase order or submit a check request). We understand that there are some instances where you need to make a purchase and be reimbursed. While that is an exception to policy, when it occurs, yes, you will use the Expense Report in Concur, and select "1-non-travel related" as the Report Purpose.
Do I need to enter my direct deposit info anywhere in Concur?
No, direct deposit information is handled through Self Service Banner.
Can a person have a delegate only prepare travel but not book the actual travel?
Yes, you can have your delegate create your request and then once ready to book, you can come in and make the booking.
Do all parties need to create their own profile accounts first, and then list us a their delegate?
Profiles will already be created at the time of go live. Your travelers will have to log in, fill out their information and then list you as a delegate afterwards.
Is there direct billing?
Yes. There are certain hotels for which NSU has direct bill set-up.
When choosing our own travel for air, hotel, etc. is there information for any maximum rates?
The maximum rates for hotel, meals, etc. are provided in the NSU travel policy on the NSU website.
If I only need to book a hotel for a local stay do I still have to use the travel section? Can I book on my own as we used to do and submit an expense for reimbursement?
It is preferred that you use the travel tool, but you can book the hotel yourself, submit an expense report and you will be reimbursed.
What is the field "region" in the accounting section?
Region is specified due to other accounting information. If you have an option other than No Choice, select that when it is visible in the drop down.
What terms have replaced Activity Code, Dept. / Prog., and Index /Org?
The Dept/Prog is now the "Business Unit." The Activity Code is now the "Company." The Index/Org is now the "Cost Center.
How do I know what accounting to use when creating a requisition in Ariba?
For questions regarding where to charge a specific item, please contact your Ariba Coordinator or Business officer.
Does editing a submitted document impact the approvals?
Yes. Editing submitted documents as the preparer will redraw the approval flow, clearing any approvals that have already occurred.
Are comments required when approving directly from email?
Comments are recommended but are not systematically required. When denying documents, providing a comment with the reason for denial is best practice.
How do we select a watcher for the entire approval flow?
All approvals are linear now. The recommendation would be to add the watcher at the beginning of the approval flow, so that they have access to view the document at any time.
Will documents still escalate if not approved within a given time period?
Yes. Escalations will still take place.
Do approval notification emails include document attachments for review?
No. Order Details are included, but not attachments. Log in to Ariba to review attachments prior to approval.
I currently manually add an approver to documents. Will that change?

How do I add watchers and approvers?
Hover over the approval flow and click on the plus sign to add an approver or watcher. For additional details, review the training videos.
Will I be able to access historical documents?
The previous version of Ariba will be archived for auditing and data storage purposes. Access to the archive will be limited and the previous data cannot be imported to On-Demand.
Do requisitions titles have a required structure or format?
PRs do not require a specific title format. Users should name PRs so that they are easily identifiable. CRs do require the vendor’s name at the title start.
When is Ariba On Demand going live?
Go live is scheduled for June 1st, 2021.
If a PR is submitted but not fully approved before the blackout period, will we need to resubmit?
Yes, any PR not fully approved prior to the blackout period will need to be recreated in Ariba On Demand after go live.
How will the blackout period affect the end of the fiscal year?
The current intention is to complete the blackout period and go live with Ariba On Demand on June 1st, 2021. Little to no impact is expected. Contact Procurement if you have concerns regarding a specific purchase or project.
Do we use this system for check requests?
Check requests will be entered in Ariba On Premise, until completion of Phase II of Ariba On Demand implementation.
How do I create check requests now?
Phase II of Ariba On Demand will include moving Check Requests. For now access Ariba On Premise via the check request tile to create CRs.
Will we be able to copy previously created check requests in On Demand?

Will our default profile transfer to Ariba On Demand?
Our expectation is that information in the user profile will roll forward. However, there is new functionality in Ariba, and users will need to go into their profile to add the room number and floor number and verify accuracy of any transferred information.
Will I need to manually enter my profile information?
The expectation is that the user profile should be transferred from On Premise to On-Demand. However, there is new functionality in Ariba, and users will need to go into their profile to add the room and floor number and verify accuracy of any transferred information.
Will I still receive email notifications for items requiring action, for example items to be received?
Yes. This functionality will remain the same as the current system and can be managed via the preferences.
What browsers can I use with Ariba On Demand?
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge are all supported browsers when using Ariba on-demand.
Do I need to use VPN to access Ariba On Demand? Is there a mobile app?
Ariba On Demand is web based. You will not need a VPN connection to access the site. There is no mobile app available at this time.
How should I receive an order if items do not arrive all at one time?
Timely receiving is very important to allow AP to process payments. If items will be delivered/in hand within two days, you may wait to receive all items in Ariba at once. Otherwise, complete a partial receipt for items in hand, then complete the remaining receipt when the other items arrive.
If we partially receive the items, will the vendor be paid for the percentage received?
If the vendor has sent an invoice for the amount that was received, then yes, partial receipt will result in payment.
Will catalogs still work the same way? (Navigation, shopping carts, checkout, quote to order, etc.)
Punchout catalog features and functionality are managed by the vendor and should not be impacted by the Ariba platform is upgrade.
Are non-catalog orders available?
Yes. Although the form is different, non-catalog functionality in On-Demand is similar to On Premise.
Will it be possible to enter requisitions with multiple vendors in Ariba On Demand?
Ariba On Premise allows multiple suppliers per requisition. Best practice is to separate purchases by commodity group (IT, medical, office supplies, etc.), and to create non-catalog orders separately from catalog orders. Non-catalog orders have a longer approval flow, and could delay catalog order approval, which is the reason for that process.
Am I able to print submitted documents?
Ariba is a paperless system with archiving. Best practice is to refrain from printing. Full accounting details are visible in the approval email. Navigate to the search tile to locate and print your document to screen to review details.
Will I be able to change the ship to information requisition by requisition?
All users should have access to update the ship to address on any order in On Demand, as they do now in On Premise.
Can we still copy documents?
There is a copy option called "Buy Again" for hosted/CIF catalog and non-catalog requestions only, similar to the current "Copy" functionality. Historical documents from Ariba On Premise will not be accessible for copying.
What is a commodity code?
A commodity code is a general category of the type of item(s) you are purchasing. The available list is standardized, using UNSPSC codes. Select the most appropriate code from the drop down when entering a non-catalog line item.
If I am ordering on behalf of someone else, will the recipient on the PO be my name or the "On Behalf Of" person's name?
The deliver to and accounting will switch automatically to the “On Behalf Of" user's default information.
How would we ship to a location not listed in Ariba?
All ship to addresses for order delivery must be entered into Banner, so that they transfer over to Ariba for use on requisitions. To request a new address, complete the form located here:
Will I have access to Ariba Reports?
The Ariba On Demand reporting feature is robust. Report access is limited and training related to reporting will be held after go live.
Will this training be available in the future?
Yes. The trainings were recorded. One version will be posted as an on demand training and will be available for review as a refresher for those who have addended a live training.
Will there be a manual in addition to the recording for review?
There will be some quick reference guides created by the team, but detailed step by step written instructions will not be created.
Will there be other mandatory trainings to attend?
There will be additional trainings for Phase II, including check requests. Trainings should be mandatory only for users who access the involved document type.
Will non-catalogue vendors be transferred over to the new system?
Yes, the vendors in On Premise will transfer to On-Demand.
Will current non-catalog vendors be available in Ariba On Demand?
Existing vendors will be moved to the new system by Procurement and OIIT, with no action needed on the user's part.Additional Resources for Faculty and Staff
Additional resources can be found from the following sites: