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Center for HPD Research

The Center for HPD Research provides a number of services to HPD faculty and administrators. Please send requests to the office of the Executive Director for Assessment, Evaluation, and Faculty Development: or (954) 262-1524.


The Center for HPD Research assesses incoming HPD students using any of the following instruments: the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, the California Critical Thinking Skills Test, the Power Load Margin Index, and the Learning Style Profile. These assessments can be used to help faculty understand their classes better and to help students understand themselves, their patients, and their learning styles better. A number of research studies using data from the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory have been published.

Visit Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) Research for more information.

Statistical Consulting

The Center for HPD Research liaises with Statistical Consulting Services. Visit Statistical Consulting Services to learn all the services they offer.

HPD Research Committee

The Center for HPD Research also liaises with the HPD Research Committee. The HPD Research Committee site should be a researcher's first stop when beginning a research project.

Online Course Evaluations

The office of the Academic Research Evaluation Coordinator oversees and trouble-shoots the Online Course Evaluation system for all of HPD. That office can assist faculty having difficulties accessing their evaluations, course coordinators having difficulties setting up classes for evaluations, and students experiencing difficulties completing their evaluations. Assistance can be obtained by calling (954) 262-1235 or e-mailing

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