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2024 Diversity Week

Exploring the Beauty of Unity in Diversity

The Belonging, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (BEDI) Advisory Council held its annual Diversity Week from April 1 to 7, 2024. The week's theme was "Exploring the Beauty of Unity in Diversity." The event celebrated the diverse perspectives within the NSU community and aimed to promote inclusivity and unity among students, faculty, staff, and alums.

President George L. Hanbury delivered an official Welcome Address to Diversity Week and Summit. Dean Trantalis, Mayor of the City of Fort Lauderdale, proclaimed April 1-7, 2024, as NSU Diversity Summit Week. The Diversity Week Summit lasted two days, featuring Rosetta Lee as the keynote speaker and 30 presenters offering diverse perspectives. Participants engaged in enlightening discussions, workshops, and presentations to foster inclusivity and unity within the NSU community. It was a robust gathering that served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration, reinforcing the commitment to celebrating diversity and promoting equity across campus. To view the presentations, click here.

The week's events included service days, a lunchtime movie screening, the premiere of "Open Dialogues: Gen QueerZ," a Native American dance performance, and a guided painting workshop promoting wellness through art and diversity. Attendees also participated in a socio-drama addressing microaggressions and a multicultural fashion show. The week concluded with an Edutainment play, "To My White Friends Who Know Me (TMWF)," promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Dedication to President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D.

We stand at the threshold of NSU’s second annual diversity summit, a beacon of progress and inclusion, and it is with profound gratitude and admiration that we dedicate this momentous occasion to President George Hanbury.

President Hanbury's unwavering commitment to belonging, equity, diversity, and inclusion has illuminated the path toward more inclusive excellence at NSU. His visionary leadership has not only shaped the trajectory of our university's future but has also laid the foundation for a community where all voices are heard, valued, and celebrated.

As the driving force behind the Belonging Equity Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council (BEDI), President Hanbury's advocacy has been instrumental in fostering a culture of belonging and empowerment throughout our institution. His steadfast support, both in action and spirit, has propelled the BEDI Council forward, ensuring that its mission to cultivate and champion diversity remains at the forefront of NSU's collective consciousness.

President Hanbury's dedication to inclusivity is not merely a professional endeavor; it is a reflection of his profound commitment to justice, equity, and the inherent worth of every member of our community. Through his leadership, President Hanbury has shown us that diversity is not just a strategic priority but a fundamental pillar of NSU's identity and strength.

On this occasion, as we come together to celebrate diversity and chart the course for a more inclusive future, we extend our deepest appreciation to President Hanbury for his tireless advocacy, invaluable contributions, and unwavering service to NSU and beyond. May his legacy of leadership continue to inspire and guide us as we strive toward a future where all are welcomed, affirmed, and empowered to thrive.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The Belonging Equity Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council

President George L. Hanbury's Official Welcome Address

Dean Trantalis, the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, proclaimed April 1-7, 2024, as NSU Diversity Summit Week, urging all citizens to celebrate and promote diversity, equity, inclusivity, and belonging.



NSU History 

NSU students, faculty, and staff have collaborated on and led multiple diversity initiatives in previous years. In particular, the Office of Student Leadership and Civic Engagement, under the direction and leadership of Terry Morrow Nelson, was instrumental in hosting the earliest annual Diversity Summits at NSU from 2006 through 2012.

2020 - present

The Diversity Summit initiative is part of the BEDI Advisory Council's strategy to guide NSU toward inclusive excellence by cultivating and supporting the ongoing development and implementation of processes, procedures, and programs that promote greater belonging, equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout all aspects of the university and our communities.

The goal is to implement a strategic vision that speaks to the importance of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging across all NSU campuses. In addition, the BEDI Advisory Council's vision is to continue providing experiential learning summits focusing on NSU Core Values of DEI as an annual tradition.

The BEDI Advisory Council looks forward to fostering new BEDI initiatives and building upon the NSU tradition of having annual Diversity Summits. 

If you have questions about the Summit, don't hesitate to contact the organizers at

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