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Bulk Rate Paper Transcript Requests

If you are requesting more than 10 official paper academic transcripts, you may wish to take advantage of our special bulk rate. Each transcript will be inserted into an individual transcript envelope and be printed as issued to the student at the requested address, but will not be addressed to a specific individual or entity. All of these transcripts will then be inserted into a large envelope and addressed to you. This envelope will either be held for pick-up at our One-Stop Shop or can be mailed to you.

The bulk transcript rate is:

# of Transcripts Charge
11 to 20 $135
21 to 40 $195
41 to 60 $225
61 or more $275

There is a $17.00 charge for each additional transcript over 100.

Bulk rate transcripts must be ordered utilizing the special Bulk Rate Transcript Request form. Our online request system through Parchment can not accommodate bulk orders. Additionally, we can not offer overnight mail deliveries on bulk requests.

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