Letter from the Editor |
As the days get shorter, night falls early and the holidays quickly approach, you may be looking for a new hobby or something creative to make. Pinterest is certainly a great option, but you may want to check out Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center or World Book Craft Corner. These online resources are available for free at the Alvin Sherman Library and offer you thousands of activities with clear, easy instuctions. You can also participate in our I love YARN DAY! celebration on October 11th. Bring your friends or join others as the library helps give back to those in need. |

Check out these helpful databases available from home with your
Alvin Sherman Library Card.
You'll need your card number located on the card's back to enter the databases

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Raise a Reader @ Sharkey's Storytime! (Ages 3-5 with caregiver)
Wednesdays, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Enjoy books, songs & activities that enhance early literacy skills and explore the world online with kid-friendly websites recommended by librarians. Recommended for children ages 3 - 5 years with their caregivers.
October 2: Sing a Story!
October 9: Fiesta Fun!
October 16: Monster Mania!
October 23: Special with Pumpkin Patty
October 30: Trick or Treat! (Costumes encouraged)
First Floor-Program Room #1017
Raise a Reader@ Little Minnows Storytime!
(Ages 18 - 36 months with caregiver)
Thursdays, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31(Costumes encouraged)
Inspire your future reader with stories and songs featuring rhythm, repetition, and rhyme. Raise a Reader: learn about early literacy skills.
First Floor-Program Room #1017
Afterschool S.T.E.M. SPECIAL!! (Grades 4-6)
Thursday, October 10, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Learn about robotics with special guest from BricksforKidz of Davie! Hands-on robotics fun! Build a working model. Bring a camera to take a picture of your project.
Pre-registration required. Register HERE or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor-Program Room #1017
Paco Moreno & Friends: Hispanic Heritage Month Concert (All ages)
Saturday, October 12, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Paco Moreno & Friends perform music and dances from Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world. After the performance, children will be invited to play authentic Ecuadorian musical instruments which were handmade by Mr. Moreno. Come prepared to dance and sing and celebrate Hispanic Heritage!
Second Floor - Cotilla Gallery
Wags & Tales (Ages 5-12)
Monday, October 14, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Wags & Tales enables children to read an age-appropriate short story to an Animal Assisted Therapy Dog. The intent of Wags and Tales is to make reading fun and to boost confidence in reading out loud. This program is offered in partnership with the Humane Society of Broward County.
Registration begins on Monday September 30th. To reserve your spot, please call 954-262-5477 or visit us at the Public Library Services Reference Desk.
First Floor - Program Room #1017
LEGO Builders Club for Children with Special Needs
(Ages 6 and Up)
Thursday, October 17, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Children with special needs can build and create with the library’s LEGOs and gain experience with social interactions while encouraging creativity, cooperative play and fine motor skills. Parents welcome! The LEGOs belong to the library, so parents are encouraged to bring a camera to take home a picture of the child’s creations. Pre-registration required and class size is limited. Call 954-262-5477 for more information.
First Floor - Program Room #1017
All Star Storytime for Children Ages 3 -5 Years with ASD!
Saturday, October 19, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
The Alvin Sherman Library’s All Star Storytime provides a special opportunity for parents of children ages 3-5 years who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder to experience a library storytime with their child. Class size is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Call 954-262-5477 beginning on Monday, October 7 at 9 am to register your child.
First Floor-Program Room #1017
For more information, visit www.bit.ly/asdstorytime.
Afterschool S.T.E.M. SPECIAL!! (Grades 1-3)
Thursday, October 24, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math! Join us for fun, creative crafts and activities with a science twist. Pre-registration required. Register HERE or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor-Program Room #1017

Teen Creative Writing Workshop: (Ages 13-18)
Mondays, October 7 & 14 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
A two-part creative writing workshop for teens. Perfect your craft and bring your voice to life! Limited spaces; participants must attend both sessions.
Registration opens by phone September 30th; maximum 25 participants.
First Floor - Program Room #1017
Teens: Edible Book Covers (Ages 13-18)
Friday, October 18, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Put your cake decorating skills to the test while you work to replicate a teen book cover using edible ingredients! Everyone gets cake, and winners receive bragging rights! Click HERE to register or call 954-262-5477.
First Floor-Teen Room #1035
Teen Read Week: Young Adult Authors’ Perspectives on Writing
(Ages 13-18 and Writers and Lovers of YA Fiction)
Saturday, October 19, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Join local author panel Joyce Sweeney, Steven dos Santos, Marjetta Geerling, and Debbie Reid Fischer as they discuss their journeys to becoming published authors with an emphasis on how to make your story come to life. A meet-and-greet will occur immediately after the panel; select books will be available for purchase and autographs. RSVP by calling 954-262-5477.
First Floor
SAT Exam Online Practice & Open Lab (Ages 14-18)
Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Use NSU’s exclusive Testing and Education Reference Center database to access SAT exam practice tests and online courses. Participants will learn how to access and log in to the database and can participate in an independent open lab in which they complete a self-directed practice test or online course.
Participants must have an Alvin Sherman Library card and will need to bring their card to the program in order to log in.
Second Floor- Lab B

DisAbility Expo 2013
Saturday, October 5, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
NSU plays host to the longest running expo of its kind! Learn about the latest services, resources, products and information for children with developmental, sensory, emotional or physical disabilities from over 60 Exhibitors.
- Free Admission
- Parent Workshops
- Live Music and Entertainment
- Art Exhibit
- Fun and Games
- Demonstrations
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Inspiration Runway Fashion Show
Computer Camp: Google Sites
Tuesday, October 8, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Whether you want to create a website for family, a club or a project, you can create a free website using Google Sites. With a Google account (Gmail, etc.) you can easily set up your website today. Prerequisites: Google account and competence in using computer keyboard and mouse. Spaces are limited. Register by clicking HERE or calling 954-262-5477. Second Floor, Lab B
Circle of Friends & The H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business presents:
Daniel L. Austin, Ph.D
Tuesday, October 8, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Reception, author discussion, book sale and signing with Daniel L. Austin, Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University Professor Emeritus and Author of Baseball’s Last Great Scout:THE LIFE OF HUGH ALEXANDER. Free and open to the public. RSVP starting October 1st calling 954-242-4627 or by e-mail at libdev@nova.edu.
Second Floor - Cotilla Gallery
I Love Yarn Day!
Friday, October 11, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Celebrate National I Love Yarn Day at the library. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, please bring a sport-weight yarn and size H-8 (5mm) knitting needles or crochet hook. Members of the Southeast Florida Head Huggers group will be on hand to assist. Already a pro? Bring your current project and share your skills with others!
First Floor-Program Room #1017
Computer Camp: Computer Basics for Absolute Beginners
Saturday, October 12, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This computer class is for absolute beginners who would like to learn basic computer skills in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
Spaces are limited. Click here to register or call us at 954-262-5477 Second Floor, Lab A
Celebrating National Arts & Humanities Month: Music For Every Occasion Trio
Sunday, October 13, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Music For Every Occasion Trio presents an exciting afternoon concert featuring flute, violin, and cello. The program encompasses works spanning the classical and contemporary genres.
Click here to register.
Second Floor - Cotilla Gallery
The TOURNéES Festival - New French Films on campus
Sundays, October 13, 20, 27 & November 3, 10 at 1:00 PM
This FREE French film series will be shown in the Knight Auditorium of the Carl DeSantis Building on NSU’s main campus, at 3301 College Ave. Click here for more information and to register, or call 954-262-4613
Knight Auditorium - Carl DeSantis Building
October 13: AMOUR
All films are subtitled in English. Light refreshments will be served.
Foundations and Grants Resources Workshop
Tuesday, October 15, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attendees will be given an overview of the Foundation and receive help searching online database to locate grants specific to their area of interest.
Basic computer skills are required. Registration is required because sessions are limited to 25 attendees. Registration begins October 1, 2013. Call 954.262.4613 to register.
Second Floor, Lab A
National Novel Writing Month Kickoff
Sunday, October 27, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Celebrate National Novel Writing Month by writing a 175 page (50,000-word) novel by November 30th. Learn tips on how to reach your goal from the NaNoWriMo, Ft. Lauderdale Municipal Liaison and local writer and editor Carol Dowd-Forte. For more information Click here
First Floor-Program Room #1017
Fall 2013 Used Book Sale
October 30*, 31 & November 1,2 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Used books, pre-owned textbooks, fiction and nonfiction hardcover and paperbacks, children’s books, CDs and DVDs, and video cassettes for a great price. Cash and checks only. Parking Garage available on the north side of campus.
*October 30 will be a Preview Day for NSU Staff, Faculty and Circle of Friends

Genealogical Society of Broward County (GSBC)
Sunday, October 6, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
The Genealogical Society of Broward County’s monthly meeting. The GSBC will host only an open lab (12, noon - 2 p.m.) and the Genealogical Society of Broward County business meeting (which begins at 2 p.m.) Sponsored by the Genealogical Society of Broward County.
Second Floor, Lab A.
African Diaspora Genealogy Group
Saturday, October 26, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Join others interested in learning more about African Diaspora genealogy. This support group meets informally on the fourth Saturday of every month at the Alvin Sherman Library.
For more information about the group contact adgenealogy@gmail.com. Second Floor, Lab A
Jewish Genealogical Society of Broward County Program
Sunday, October 27, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Ben Frank, author of “Klara’s Journey” will be our October speaker. Sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Broward County. RSVP by clicking here.
Third Floor - Conference Room #3018