Letter from the Editor |
As we continue celebrating our 10th anniversary, the Alvin Sherman Library proudly focuses on Diversity. Interestingly, in FY 2011, we served individuals representing 188 countries and territories. In honor of diversity, we are again hosting the 9th annual art exhibition, African Presence. This year's exhibition is Contemporary African Diaspora Memory in Motion, a provocative and engaging look at works by many contemporary artists of the African Diaspora. The Big Read is also back this year and features the works of Zora Neale Hurston. Dr. Chris Jackson, NSU faculty in the Farquhar College hosts an entertaining musical program on the 11th.
Live @ the Sherman is back! Children will love this popular interactive arts program, generously sponsored by the Charles P. Ferro Foundation. Please browse through our programming for events and come visit us real soon! 
On Display

The Emma Lazarus Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience traveling exhibition showcases the life of the woman who wrote the words in the poem "The New Colossus": "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Explore our library guide for more information.

Span the World at the Library:
Use your library card to access these online resources:
Craft Corner offers thousands of activities with easy, clear
instructions, photographs, illustrations, and more. Every craft also contains a list of materials for easy reference and can be printed, e-mailed, or saved in its entirety to your personal computer.
We now have access to the following databases from:
*L ‘EncyclopédieDécouverte
*World Book Classroom
Dramatic Learning
*World Book Classroom Early World of Learning
*World Book Classroom Science Power
*World Book Digital Libraries Early Peoples
*World Book Digital Libraries Inventions and Discoveries
*World Book Digital Libraries Living Green
*World Book Online for Kids
*World Book Online Info Finder
*World Book Online Reference Center
World Book Craft Corner


Children and Tweens

Wednesdays, 10:30 am - 11:30 am (Ages 3 - 5 with caregiver)
Feb. 1 - Read the Rainbow
Feb. 8 - Happy Valentine's Day (Celebrate Library Lovers' Month) Special guest Princess Reads-a-lot!
Feb. 15 - Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Special Guests NSU's Baseball Team.
Feb. 29 - M is for Motown Music
Family Literacy University
Learn how to encourage the development of the six skills your child needs to be ready to read.
Little Learners Open Lab
Explore the world online with kid-friendly sites recommended by librarians.

Thursdays, 10:30 am - 11:00 am (Ages 6 - 36 months with caregiver)
Inspire your future reader at storytime and experience the sounds and structure of language through rhythm, rhyme and repetition.
Family Literacy University
Learn how to encourage the development of the six skills your child needs to be ready to read.

Sherlock Holmes & the Opera Mystery: Atlantic Coast Theatre for Youth
Saturday, February 11
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (All Ages)
Drama! Mystery! Audience Participation! The world’s most famous detective Sherlock Holmes is called to investigate a diamond theft at the opera house. He must use his skills of observation and disguise, along with lots of help from the audience to solve the mystery. This program is made possible by a generous gift from the Charles P. Ferro Foundation. First Floor, Public Library Services
Opera for Kids: Florida Grand Opera Young Artists
Saturday, February 18
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm (All Ages)
Experience the joy of opera in this educational live music performance by musicians from the Florida Grand Opera Young Artists. Learn how opera singers use their voices, facial expressions and movements to show emotions and tell stories. Thanks to the Charles P. Ferro Foundation for its generous sponsorship of the Live at the Sherman Library series. Second Floor, Gallery.
Positively Africa: Concert for Children
Wednesday, February 22
10:30-11:30am (All ages)
Dance and sing with Positively Africa! This lively and enchanting duo performs interactive traditional children’s songs from Africa. The program will include a demonstration of authentic musical instruments.

Microsoft Word 2010 Basics
Tuesday, February 14
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Gain confidence and experience in using the basic features of Word. Explore templates and the Ribbon menu interface. Prerequisite: Competence in using keyboard and mouse. Lab B. Register online or call 954-262-5477.
Computer Basics Class
Saturday, February 25
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Designed for the absolute beginner, learn how to use the mouse and keyboard. Other topics include working with windows and establishing an e-mail account. Lab B. Register online or call 954-262-5477.

Zora Neale Hurston: Listening to the South
Saturday, February 11
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This entertaining musical program by Dr. Chris Jackson, NSU faculty in the Farquhar College, will cover not only Zora Neale Hurston’s ability to capture colloquial speech in her writings, but will also explore her folklore study projects that included recording stories and songs.
Sponsored by the Big Read. The Big Read is an endeavor which encourages communities across the nation to read, discuss and celebrate American books and writers. Free and open to the NSU community and public.
Culture Vultures Presents:
Emotion Expressed Through Color
Sunday, February 12,
2:00 - 4:00 pm, Room 2053
Unleash your inner artist! Working artist and teacher Roslyn Roth invites the audience to a hands-on exploration of color and pattern as they relate to the culture and geography of our lives.
Grant Preparation Basics - Grant Preparation 101: Step-by-Step
Tuesday, February 21
1:00 pm -3:00 pm
Become a better grant writer! Attend these free Workshops with Q&A and learn: Step-by-step tips for preparing a grant, how to lay the groundwork for writing a grant, how to locate and approach funders, available tools and resources and the many grants resources available at the library.
Dr. King’s Dream and President Barack Obama
Saturday, February 25
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
What were the struggles and sacrifices of those who heeded the challenge to keep Dr. King’s dream alive? NSU Professor Ralph Hogges will speak about his new book which focuses on President Obama's election as the fruition of Dr. King's dream. First floor, Room 1017.
Seminole Voices: Reflection on Their Changing Society, 1970 - 2000 (Indians of the Southeast)
Sunday, February 26
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Author Julian M. Pleasants discusses his work on this important book. Room 3018

Thursdays at Noon -
Bring your lunch
February 9 Jews in the New World: A History of 1865
Learn about the long established roots of the Jewish community in the new world. Professor Gary Gershman of Farquhar College, NSU will be the speaker.
February 23 A Lock on the Golden Door: A History of the U.S. Immigration Policy
Professor Tim Dixon, Farquhar College, NSU, will give a talk on the changing United States' immigration policy since the country's founding.

Genealogical Society of Broward County: Immigration Records
Sunday, February 5
12 pm - 4:00 pm
Donna M. Moughty presents a special genealogy program on doing research in immigration records. For more information about Donna and her work visit: http://www.moughty.com
The program begins at 2:30 pm following the Genealogical Society of Broward County (GSBC), Open Lab (Noon-2pm) and the GSBC business meeting ( 2 - 3 pm).
Genealogy 101: Finding your Caribbean Roots
Tuesday, February 7
1:00 pm -2:00 pm
Learn how to find more information about your British Caribbean roots. This program is part of a series on genealogy held in conjunction with the Alvin Sherman Library exhibit, Emma Lazarus: Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience.
Genealogy 101: Preserving Your Family Records
Tuesday, February 21
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Learn how to protect and preserve your valuable family records for future generations. This program is part of a series on genealogy held in conjunction with the Alvin Sherman Library exhibit, Emma Lazarus: Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience.
Wednesday, February 29
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
A presentation by Bennett Greenspan,
President, Family Tree DNA sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of
Broward County.
Come learn about Family Tree DNA, the largest genetic genealogy company in
the world with over 300,000 combined records for males and females to compare
This program is part of a series on genealogy held in conjunction with the
Alvin Sherman Library exhibit, Emma Lazarus: Voice of Liberty, Voice of