This September we begin our fall season by celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Once again, we present Cine Argentino, with commentary by Adriana Bianco, actress and journalist. You may want to join us as we cook up some latin food with Chef Bil, top chef from Publix Apron Cooking School. Teens may want to hit the library for a fast paced, fun workout featuring the latest Zumba craze. For our little ones, share the love of the library at Sharkey's Storytime Fun.
September is also Library Card sign-up month. For those of you with a library card, we hope you enjoy the benefits that it brings. We encourage you to invite your friends to apply for a library card so that they can share in those benefits as well. 
Donate your pre-owned textbooks, fiction and nonfiction hardcover and paperbacks, children's books, CDs, DVDs and video cassettes to the library. Call 954-262-4542 or email tfrantz@nova.edu. |

Sharkey's Storytime Fun
Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am
(3-5 years with caregiver)
September 7: I Love Libraries!
Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with silly stories and songs and a fun craft! Featured books include The Library Dragon by Carmen Agra Deedy, The Library Gingerbread Man by Dotti Enderle, & The Boy Who Was Raised By Librarians by Carla Morris. It’s never too early to sign children up for their first library card!
September 14: Pirates Love Libraries!
What is a pirate’s favorite letter? RRR for Reading! Get ready for Talk like a Pirate Day with silly stories and songs and a fun craft. Featured books include How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long, The Night Pirates by Peter Harris, & This Little Pirate by Philemon Sturges.
September 21: Libraries Are Egg-cellent!
What did the chicken say to the librarian? I love bwak, bwak, books! Celebrate National Chicken Month with silly stories and songs and a fun craft. Featured books include Chicken Butt! by Erica S. Pearl, Fox and Fluff by John Bendall-Brunello, & Hungry Hen by Richard Waring.
September 28: Me Gusta La Biblioteca
¡Canta, baila, y ríe en la biblioteca! Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with stories and songs in English and Spanish! It’s never too early to sign children up for their first tarjeta de la biblioteca (library card).
Little Minnows Storytime
Thursdays 10:30-11am (6-36 months with caregiver)
September 8,15,22,29: My First Library Card
Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with nursery rhymes, stories and songs. Inspire your future reader at our Storytime! Join us for exciting stories selected just for children ages 6-36 months old. It’s never too early to sign children up for their first library card!
Bring the Family to the Computer Lab!
Saturday, September 10 11am to noon
Show us your child's Alvin Sherman Library card and get a free back to school tote bag! (parent or guardian with i.d. must be present to get a library card. Erik Farley from World Book Online shows you fun and easy ways to make your homework easier. Learn about Science Power and other great Homework Helper resources available at the Library. In the Youth Services Computer Lab.
All ages.
Hang out in the Teen Room! Play PS3 & Xbox360 video games, watch movies, or even do homework! The Teen Room is open after school and on weekends just for teens ages 13-18 whenever a Teen Room Host is available.
Check the Teen Room Blog for volunteer info, teen events, and lists of new library materials for ages 13-18.
Find us on Facebook! “Like” the Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library Facebook Fan Page and receive info on upcoming teen events for ages 13-18.
September 10 Zumba Workout
1st Floor - Room 1017 4-5pm Ages 11 and up
Join Zumba instructor Elsa Vasquez for this Latin-inspired dance exercise in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Please wear sneakers and comfortable exercise clothing to participate. Class size is limited so please arrive 10 minutes early to sign-up.
Saturday, September 10 1-2pm 1st Floor - Program Room #1017
Chef Bil Cooks Latin
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Chef Bil Mitchell will demonstrate a simple, tasty Latin recipe to wet your palate. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn easy cooking skills from a top chef of the Publix Apron Cooking School. Chef Mitchell is the first promoted Apron's Resident Chef of Publix and teaches regularly at the Plantation Publix Apron’s Cooking School. He has worked and managed various regional and seafood restaurants in New York, Ohio, Virginia and Florida over the last 26 years.
Sunday, September 11 12-4 pm 2nd Floor - Lab A
Genealogical Society of Broward County: Organizing Sources with Family Tree Maker
David Stark, a member of the GSBC, explores the use of computers in recording genealogical information and demonstrates how this can be effectively and easily done. Stark explores the basic use of Family Tree Maker software, including a simple demonstration of how to retrieve a source document and copy and file documents within Family Tree Maker so that records are organized and easily retrievable. Attendees will share ideas, thoughts and experiences on thier use of the software.
The program will take place following the GSBC open lab (12-2pm) and monthly business meeting. Sponsored by the Genealogical Society of Broward County.
Thursday, September 15 1-4pm 2nd Floor - Lab B
Thursday, September 29 1-4pm 2nd Floor - Lab B
Resume Writing Resources 101
Schedule a personal one to one overview with our librarian and discover the many tools available to help you create a successful resume plus other electronic library resources. These are personalized one to one sessions, so you must schedule an appointment and bring the following: NSU SharkLink Account or NSU Public Card , Flash drive or a disk to download information and access to a personal email account. Appointments are at 1pm or 3pm with Sarah Cisse at: Email: sc1169@nova.edu / Phone: 954-262-4649
Tuesday, September 20 1-3pm 2nd Floor - Lab A
Grant Seeking 101 for Small Business
Learn how to become a better grantseeker! In this class we
will cover: what you need to have in place before you seek
a grant; the world of grantmakers; the grantseeking process;
and available tools and resources. An Open Lab period allows attendees to use the Foundation Center online database to locate grants specific to their area of interest.
Saturday, September 24 1-2:30pm 1st Floor - Room 1054
African Diaspora Genealogy Group
Join others interested in learning more about African Diaspora genealogy. This support group meets informally on the fourth Saturday of every month at the Alvin Sherman Library. For more information about the group contact adgenealogy@gmail.com.
Tuesday, September 6 1-3pm 2nd Floor - Lab A
Computer Camp: Facebook - The Basics
Connect with family and friends, add information to your profile and learn how to apply privacy and security settings. An active accessible email account is required to participate.
Tuesday, September 13 1-3pm 2nd Floor - Lab A
Computer Camp: Facebook - Beyond the Basics
Learn how to chat with friends online, create pages and more. An active Facebook account will be required to participate.
Saturday, September 24 11am - 12pm 2nd Floor - Lab B
Computer Camp: Spanish Language Resources Online
Learn what resources the Alvin Sherman Library has for you in the Spanish language and how to access them from your home computer. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.