From the Editor |
The other day I searched for a book on how to make better presentations. had exactly what I needed. Although I could have simply ordered that book with the click of my mouse, I decided to save money by checking the Alvin Sherman Library's collection. Within seconds I found the exact book, and the added benefit of immediately viewing it electronically on my computer. As I scanned the chapters, it occurred to me that within a matter of minutes, I not only saved $16.49 but the time it would have taken for the book to arrive from So, the next time you find yourself in a similar position, you may want to pull out your library card and visit this great community resource, the Alvin Sherman Library. You may be surprised at how much time and money you can save. For more value saving information, click on the "piggy bank" below and see what you can save!


What is the Family Literacy University?
Learn how to develop the six early literacy skills your child needs to be ready to read.
Little Learners Open Lab:
Explore the world online in a relaxed, one-on-one environment with sites recommended by the American Library Association’s Great Websites for Kids committee.
Miss Meagan’s Storytime Fun
10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 3-5 years with caregiver
Wednesday, 2: Hop into the Year of the Rabbit!
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with My First Chinese New Year by Karen Katz, The Day the Dragon Danced by Kay Haugaard, and The Runaway Rice Cake by Ying Chang Compestine.
Wednesday, 9: Hooray for Valentine’s Day!
Get ready for Valentine’s Day with sweet books full of love, hugs and kisses. Featured books include Won’t You Be My Kissaroo by Joanne Ryder, If Animals Kissed Good Night by Ann Whitford Paul, Kiss Kiss by Margaret Wild, and Counting Kisses by Karen Katz! Make Valentine’s cards for friends and family!
Wednesday, 16: Motown Music, Live at the Library!
Celebrate Black History month with books by your favorite African-American authors and the music of Motown performed live at storytime.
Wednesday, 23: Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Hit a Homerun with special guests, NSU’s Baseball team! Join us for stories, songs and a special baseball craft. Take pictures and get autographs from NSU’s baseball stars! Featured books include Take Me out to the Ball Game by Jack Norworth and Casey at the Bat reported by Ernest L. Thayer and illustrated by Christopher Bing.
Miss Meagan’s Tiny Tots Storytime
10:30-11:30 a.m. 0-36 months with caregiver
Thursday, 3: I Love Music!
Wiggle, giggle and inspire your future reader with books, songs, movement activities, rhymes and playtime!
Thursday, 10: I Love My Family!
Wiggle, giggle and inspire your future reader with books, songs, movement activities, rhymes and playtime!
Thursday, 17: I Love Books!
Wiggle, giggle and inspire your future reader with books, songs, movement activities, rhymes and playtime! Celebrate Black History Month with books by African-American authors, including Bell Hooks.
Thursday, 24: I Love My Library!
Wiggle, giggle and inspire your future reader with books, songs, movement activities, rhymes and playtime!
Thursday, 10: E-Reference Books for Kids (Ages 7 and up)
3-4pm Need homework help? World Book representative Erik Farley shows you how to use the Library’s electronic databases to do research for school reports.
Books & Biscotti: Meet and Greet NSU Faculty Authors
Get to know NSU's faculty beyond the classroom as they discuss their books, which highlight their life stories and unique interests. Wednesday, 2 Professor Hogges 5-6pm 1st floor, Rm 1017
Wednesday, 16 Professor Michael Gaffley 5-6pm 1st floor, Rm 1017
Soul Food Twist
Saturday, 5 1-2pm 1st Floor, Rm 1017
Traditional soul food of African-Americans gets a new twist as Resident Chef Bil Mitchell of the Publix Apron’s Cooking School demonstrates Poached Shrimp over Hominy Grits Cakes with Serrano Jelly. Chef Mitchell is the first promoted Apron's Resident Chef of Publix. He has worked and managed various regional and seafood restaurants in New York, Ohio, Virginia and Florida over the last 26 years.
Sunday, 6 12-4pm
2nd Floor Lab A
The Genealogical Society of Broward County's monthly meeting
Countdown to the Oscars
Mr. Ron Castell, formerly with Time Warner, Blockbuster Entertainment Corp., and The Spelling Entertainment Group hosts this entertaining series throughout February.
Sunday, 6 Oscar and How He Got that Way!
2-4 pm Knight Auditorium, Carl DeSantis Building.
Sunday, 13 Oscar, Does He Need a Makeover?
Includes a screening of the film Mildred Pierce starring Joan Crawford. 2-4pm Knight Auditorium, Carl DeSantis Building
Saturday, 26 Dollars of the Oscars
2-4pm Knight Auditorium, Carl DeSantis Building
If you're a Boomer who is retired or will soon retire and you are thinking about starting your own business or are a small business owner already wanting to accelerate growth or add a social impact component to your business, you won't want to miss the Boomer Entrepreneur Initiative. These workshops are presented by the Florida Women's Business Center (FWBC) and funded by the Community Foundation of Broward. The FWBC is a program of the TED Center.
Registration is required.
Monday, 7 6-7:30pm
Boomers Entrepreneur Initiative: Skills To Operate A Profitable Business
Thursday, 17 6-7:30pm
Boomers Entrepreneur Initiative: Social Entrepreneurship & Cause Related Marketing
Sunday, 20 2-4pm 2nd Floor, Gallery
Culture Vultures present Eating for a Healthy Lifestyle
Dr. Regina Marranzini of the Memorial Healthcare System teaches how you, regardless of age, can eat better to live better.
2nd Floor Gallery 2-4pm
Sunday, 20 2-5pm
Going Natural-A Hair Journey
Are you currently on or thinking about taking a natural hair journey? Learn about the various aspects of transitioning to and maintaining natural hair care. Presenters include Carleen Primus of B-True Organics, and Tracy Favreau, DO, NSU-COM Assistant Director of Clinical Dermatology. This presentation is a collaboration between The College of Allied Health and Nursing, Alvin Sherman Library, Pan African Student Association(PASA) and American Association of University Women (AAUW). LOCATION IS TBD . Call 954-262-5477 for more information.
Sunday, 27 2-4pm 1st Floor, Rm 1017
Celebrate the Chinese New Year!
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with The Palm Beach Chinese Performing Arts Group and the Chinese Association of Science, Education and Culture (CASEC). You will be enthralled with Chinese folk dance, folk song, traditional Chinese musical instruments performances, Chinese Tai Chi Fist, Mu Lan Fan, Peking Opera, and much more. Enjoy a world-class Chinese ballerina perform Chinese ballet folk dancing. For more information about CASEC, please visit
Wednesday, 9 1-3 pm 2nd floor, Lab A
Bridging the Digital Divide- Connecting with Family Near and Far
Explore tools online that are designed to keep family members connected. Learn all about blogs, Facebook, YouTube, Skype and more! For more information, call 954-262-5477.
Saturday, 12 10am-12pm 2nd floor, Lab A
Computer Camp: Theater in Video Database
Are you a fan of the theater? Learn how you can watch the world’s leading plays from your home computer by accessing the Theater in Video database. An Alvin Sherman Library card is required to view the database. Please click here to apply for your Alvin Sherman library card.
Hang out in the Teen Room!
Play PS3 & Xbox360 video games, watch movies, or even do homework! The Teen Room is open after school and on weekends just for teens ages 13-18 whenever a Teen Room Host is available.
Check the Teen Room Blog!
Volunteer info, teen events, and lists of new library materials for ages 13-18 at
Find us on Facebook!
“Like” the Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library Facebook Fan Page at and receive info on upcoming teen events for ages 13-18.
Saturday, 5 2-4pm Ages 14-18
Teen Volunteer Orientation
Earn community service hours for school! Visit the PLS Desk on the first floor of the library or for applications and instructions. Applications must be submitted prior to orientation and applicants will be contacted via email on a first come, first serve basis to attend. Limited spaces are available.
Tuesday, 22 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Teen Manga Club
Join fellow Otaku (fan of manga) and discuss your favorite shōnen and shōjo! Cos-play is optional and costumes must follow the library’s dress code.
Tuesday, 22 6-6:30pm Ages 13-18
Teen Video Game Club
Come share your favorite video game codes and cheats while you play PS3 and Xbox360 in the Teen Room!
Wednesday, 23 5:30-6pm Ages 13-18
Free Sketch Teen Art Club
Like to draw, design, and inspire? Join fellow artists in the Teen Room to practice your skills and share techniques. Bring your own materials.
Wednesday, 23 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Banned Books Teen Book Club
This month’s book is the sci-fi WWII novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim becomes “unstuck” in time after an alien abduction and journeys back to different points in his life, especially his experience as a prisoner of war.
Thursday, 24 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Fantasy Fanatics’ Teen Book Club
This month’s book is A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. Shortly after Gemma enrolls at Spence Academy for girls, she begins to experience supernatural visions involving the school’s mysterious East Wing that had burned down years ago.
Friday, 25 4:30-5:30pm
TAB Meeting
Current TAB Members, Teen Room Hosts, and interested Teen Volunteers. Come discuss plans for our upcoming teen events! New to TAB? Train to become a Teen Room Host!
Friday, 25 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Romance Readers’ Teen Book Club
This month’s book is Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. A great romance to read through Valentine’s Day, Nick meets Norah when he asks her to be his girlfriend for just five minutes in order to make his ex jealous.