Welcome to 2011! January begins a new year of great programming and events at the Alvin Sherman Library. Here are some fun facts about the library. We have issued more than 68,000 library cards to Broward County residents since our opening in 2001. More than 11,000 children attended or participated in our programs and events. We served visitors from 193 countries or territories. Our library website had more than 1,459,000 hits
on it! The Alvin Sherman Library is open 100 hours a week, 7 days a week.
As you can see, we are an active library whose mission is to be the premier research, cultural, and lifelong learning venter for Nova Southeastern University and the community. Please join us this year for another exciting year of programming and as we countdown to our 10th year anniversary in December 2011.

Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am 3-5 years
Miss Meagan’s Storytime Fun
Stories, songs, and a fun craft for children 3-5 years with caregiver.
Family Literacy University
Learn how to develop your child’s vocabulary, one of the six skills children need to be ready to read. Research shows that children who have larger vocabularies are better readers.
Little Learners Open Lab
Explore the world online in a relaxed, one-on-one environment with sites recommended by the American Library Association’s Great Websites for Kids committee.
January 5: Messy and Clean
 Join us for an upside-down, dirty to clean counting book, Ten Dirty Pigs, Ten Clean Pigs by Carol Roth, a delightfully messy painting book, I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont, and a slippery, soapy story about bathtime for a boa constrictor, To Bathe a Boa by C. Imbior Kudrna.
January 12: Love!
  Celebrate love with books about hugs, kisses and weddings! Join us for Isabelle the Flower Girl by Ellen Weiss, Lily’s Big Day by Kevin Henkes, and How to Get Married, by Me, the Bride by Sally Lloyd-Jones.
January 19: Miss Rebecca’s Favorite Stories & Songs
Sing, dance, and laugh in the library at a special storytime with Miss Rebecca!
January 26: Go Green at our Garbage Storytime!
  Join us for Smash! Mash! Crash! There Goes the Trash by Barbara Odanaka, I Stink! by Kate and Jim McMullan, and Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman.
Thursdays 10:30-11am 0-36 months with caregiver
Miss Meagan’s Tiny Tots Storytime
Family Literacy University
Learn how to develop your child’s vocabulary, one of the six skills children need to be ready to read.
January 6: Sing-Along Stories
Join us for Mary Had a Little Lamb by Mary Ann Hoberman and more great stories to share as a song.
January 13: Sing-Along
“Sing, dance, and laugh in the library with books with beat!”
January 20: Miss Rebecca’s Favorite Books for Babies and Toddlers
Sing, dance, and laugh in the library at a special storytime with Miss Rebecca!
January 27: Sing-Along Stories
 Join us for The Lady with the Alligator Purse by Nadine Bernard Westcott and I’ve Been Working on the Rail Road edited by Ann Owen and more great stories to share as a song.
Tweens and Teens
Hang out in the Teen Room! Play PS3 & Xbox360 video games, watch movies, or even do homework! Open after school and weekends just Teens ages 13-18.
Check the Teen Room Blog for volunteer info, teen events, and lists of new library materials for ages 13-18 at
Find us on Facebook! “Like” the Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library Facebook Fan Page at and receive info on upcoming teen events for ages 13-18.
Saturday, January 8
Teen Volunteer Orientation 2-4pm Ages 14-18
Earn community service hours for school! Visit the PLS Desk on the first floor of the library or for applications and instructions. Applications must be submitted prior to orientation and applicants will be contacted via email on a first come, first serve basis to attend. Limited spaces are available.
Tuesday, January 11 Ages 13-18
Mix & Mash: Technology Collection
Drop off old / outdated pieces of technology all month long to be used for our Teen Tech Week project in March. Old cell phones, cassettes, Nintendo games, records- you name it, we can use it all! Items do not need to be in working order!
Tuesday, January 11 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Teen Manga Club
Join fellow Otaku (fan of manga) and discuss your favorite shōnen and shōjo! Cos-play is optional and costumes must follow the library’s dress code.
Tuesday, January 11 6-6:30pm Ages 13-18
Teen Video Game Club
Come share your favorite video game codes and cheats while you play PS3 and Xbox360 in the Teen Room!
Wednesday, January 12 5:30-6pm Ages 13-18
Free Sketch Teen Art Club
Like to draw, design, and inspire? Join fellow artists in the Teen Room to practice your skills and share techniques. Bring your own materials.
Thursday, January 13 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Fantasy Fanatics’ Teen Book Club
This month’s book is Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, continue to struggle against the evil King Galbatorix in the third book of the Inheritance Series.
Wednesday, January 19 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Banned Books Teen Book Club
This month’s book is The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. 16-year-old Holden Caulfield struggles to find truth and resist phoniness after being expelled from prep school. For mature readers.
Wednesday, 19 6-6:30pm Ages 15-18
Zombie Book Talk
What do you get when you take a classic Jane Austen novel and add in brain-eating undead? Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! Come discuss this entertaining mash-up of a classic!
Friday, January 21 2-4pm Ages 13-18
Teen Movie Matinee
Enjoy early release day in the Teen Room watching a movie with friends! Trivia Question: The movie Clueless was loosely based on which Jane Austen novel? Find out the answer when you attend the movie matinee!
Friday, January 21 4:30-5:30pm
TAB Meeting
For current TAB Members, Teen Room Hosts, and interested Teen Volunteers. Come discuss plans for our upcoming teen events! New to TAB? Train to become a Teen Room Host!
Friday, January 21 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Romance Readers’ Teen Book Club
This month’s book is Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances by Lauren Myracle, John Green, and Maureen Johnson. Romance flourishes when the lives of three teens become unknowingly connected during a massive snow storm.
Sunday, January 9 2-4pm 2nd Floor, Gallery
Culture Vultures present Clay: It Civilized the Human Race
Practicing artist and potter, Liddy Glass will trace human cultural development through the utilitarian and non-utilitarian use of clay, with emphasis on Raku.
Monday, January 20 6-7:30pm Room 3018
Boomer Entrepreneur Initiative Workshop:Human Resources 101
If you’re a Boomer who is retired or will soon retire and you are thinking about starting your own business or are a small business owner already wanting to accelerate growth or add a social impact component to your business, you won’t want to miss the Boomer Entrepreneur Initiative. These workshops are presented by the Florida Women's Business Center (FWBC) and funded by the Community Foundation of Broward. The FWBC is a program of the TED Center.
Saturday, January 22 12:30-2:30pm
African Diaspora Genealogy Group[View All Dates...]
Adult Computer Camp
Tuesday, January 11 1-3pm Lab A
Go Green and Save Green with Electronic Cards and Invites
Learn how E -cards (electronic cards) can be a great way to save your resources. (20 persons max)
Sunday, January 29 1 – 3pm 2nd floor, Lab A
E-mail Basics
Create an e-mail account using a web based e-mail program. Participants will learn to compose, send, forward and delete messages. (22 persons max)