Explore October's many programs and events at NSU's Alvin Sherman Library. Check out Hispanic Heritage Month activities at the library and in the NSU community. Click here to find out a listing of programs and events .
Don't forget about the James Hoban and Presidential Letters exhibits or our semi-annual book sale.
Please make sure you complete the satisfaction survey below. It takes only a few minutes. Your input helps us better meet your needs. Thank you and enjoy October at the Library!

Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am 3-5 years with caregiver
Miss Meagan's Storytime Fun
Stories, songs, and a fun craft for children ages 3-5 years with caregiver.
Family Literacy University
Develop the six skills your child needs to be ready to read.
Little Learners Open Lab
Explore the world online with kid-friendly sites recommended by the American Library Association’s Great Web Sites for Kids committee.
October 6: Great Books!
Celebrate Great Book Week with Miss Meagan’s favorite books, songs and a fun craft! Check out Miss Meagan's favorite storytime selections!
October 13: Fiesta Fun
We're celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with silly songs, stories and more! Check out Miss Meagan's favorite books for Hispanic Heritage Month!
October 20: Singing Fun
Don’t just read a book – sing a book! Join us for
The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort and more great stories to share as a song. Find great stories to share as a song.
October 27: Silly, Not -So-Spooky Stories with the Shermanettes!
Miss Meagan & Miss Rebecca share their favorite silly, not so spooky stories. Find funny, friendly, not too frightening Halloween books! 
Thursdays 10:30-11am 6-36 months with caregiver
Miss Meagan's Tiny Tots Storytime
Inspire your future reader at our Tiny Tot's Storytime! Join us for stories & songs selected just for children ages 6-36 months old.
Family Literacy University
Develop the six skills your child needs to be ready to read.
October 7: Great Books for Babies & Toddlers
Celebrate Great Books Week with some of Miss Meagan's favorite books!
October 14: Animals / Los Animales
Speak Spanish like your favorite animal: the dog says “guau, guau”, the cat says “miau, miau” and the little chickens say “pio, pio pio”! Check out bilingual books for children!
October 21: Sing to Me
Join us for stories & songs. Check out great books you can sing!
October 28: Pumpkin Patch
It's pumpkin time! Join us for a reading of Pumpkin Eye by Denise Fleming. Also, check out fantastic books for fall!
"La hora de cuentos" with Miss Rebecca
Thursdays 7-8pm All ages with caregiver
¡Canta, baila, y ríe en la biblioteca! Después de la hora de cuentos, aprende cómo ayudar a tu hijo a ser un buen lector en la Universidad de la Lectura Familiar. ¡Se servirán galletas!
Sing, dance, and laugh in the library! After storytime, learn how to help your child become a good reader at Family Literacy University.
October 7: “La hora de cuentos”
October 14: “La hora de cuentos”
October 21: “La hora de cuentos”
October 28: El día de los muertos Make your own skeleton mask!


Hang out in the Teen Room! Play PS3 & Xbox360 video games, watch movies, or even do homework! The Teen Room is open after school and on weekends just for teens ages 13-18 whenever a Teen Room Host is available.
Check the Teen Room Blog for volunteer info, teen events, and lists of new library materials for ages 13-18 at
Find us on Facebook! Get up-to-date info on teen events for ages 13-18 by becoming a fan of “Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library” on Facebook.
Saturday, October 2 2-4pm Ages 14-18
Teen Volunteer Orientation
Earn community service hours for school! Visit the PLS Desk on the first floor of the library or for applications and instructions. Limited spaces are available. Applications must be submitted prior to orientation. Applicants will be contacted via email on a first come, first serve basis to attend.
Saturday, October 17 9am-9pm Ages 13-18
Teen Read Week: Books with Beat
Tell us a book that you think has beat and receive a free pair of ear buds (while supplies last) at the PLS Desk. Does it have rhythm? Is it about music? Does the main character beat the competition? Be creative- any type of book with “beat” will count!
Sunday, October 18 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Teen Manga Club
Come discuss your favorite shōnen and shōjo with beat in honor of Teen Read Week!
Thursday, October 21 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Fantasy Fanatics’ Teen Book Club
Get ready for Halloween with the vampire Lore of
Marked A House of Night Novel by P.C. Cast.
Friday, October 22 4:30-5:30pm
TAB Meeting
For current TAB Members, Teen Room Hosts, and interested Teen Volunteers. Come discuss plans for our upcoming teen events! New to TAB? Train to become a Teen Room Host!
Friday, October 22 5:30-6pm Ages 15-18
Romance Readers’ Teen Book Club
When you think Poe, do you tend to think about stories that are eerie, haunting, and romantic? Believe it or not, much of Poe’s work can be very romantic! Come discuss Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe in honor of this year’s The Big Read.
Friday, October 22 6:30-7:30pm Ages 15-18
Alvin Sherman Idol
End Teen Read Week: Books with Beat on a great note with a Wii Karaoke Revolution night! Think you have what it takes to be the next Alvin-Sherman Idol? Our TAB judges we’ll see about that!
Sunday, October 3 12-2pm 2nd Floor, Lab B
Genealogy - GSBC Open Lab
2:30-4pm The Last Frontier in America, presented by the Genealogical Society of Broward County.
Valerie Kooyker, docent and speaker at the Fort Lauderdale History Center will look at the history of Fort Lauderdale.
Sunday, October 3 2-5pm Carl DeSantis Building, Knight Auditorium
Cine Argentino: Anita
This film depicts the historical attack at the Jewish institution AMIA in Buenos Aires and the challenges of a handicapped young girl. Directed by Marcos Carnivale. This film does not contain English subtitles. Anita. Film sobre el ataque a la institución judía AMIA y los problemas de una adolescente discapacitada. Dirección: Marcos Carnivale. Introductory comments by actress and journalist Adriana Bianco.
Sunday, October 10 2–4pm 2nd Floor, Gallery
Culture Vultures: Puccini’s “Turandot” and
the Italian Tradition of Grand Opera
Justin Moss, Director for Public Relations and Community Affairs for the Florida Grand Opera, will share the Italian tradition of Grand Opera through Puccini’s “Turandot.” Join us for an afternoon of opera at its best!
Saturday, October 16 10am-4pm
Alvin Sherman Library and Don Taft University Center
2010 DISABILITY EXPO-Breaking Barriers
Learn about services, resources, products and information for persons of all ages with various disabilities! This South Florida event is FREE and open to the public!
Saturday, October 23 3-4pm 1st Floor, Room 1017
Big Read: Mourning Tea with Edgar Allen Poe
Enter the powerful world of literature and celebrate the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe. Guest speaker Christine Jackson, NSU professor, poetess and author, will read poems by Edgar Allan Poe as guests take in high tea. Supported by National Endowment for the Arts, The Big Read is an endeavor which encourages communities across the nation to read, discuss and celebrate American books and writers. Free and open to the NSU community and public. Click here to register.
Saturday, October 23 12:30-2:30pm
African Diaspora Group
A research group for those interested in African-American Genealogy.
Sunday, October 31 2-4pm 1st Floor, Lab 1054
One Day I’d Like to Write a Novel
Celebrate National Novel Writing Month by writing a 175 page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30th. Learn tips on how to reach your goal from guest speaker Dr. Andrea Shaw, author and NSU writing professor. Click here to register.
Tuesday, October 5 1-3pm, Lab B
Computer Camp: The Basics
This computer class is for absolute beginners who would like to learn basic computer skills in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Class size is limited, reserve your spot today! Click here to register.
Saturday, October 9 1-3pm, Lab B
Computer Camp: Look it up!
Learn how to access your library account from home, renew your materials, search the library online catalog, and find your next good read. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills. Click here to register.
Saturday, October 23 2-3pm, Lab B
Computer Camp: Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheets for the first-time user. Page setup, column customization and basic formulas. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.
Click here to register.