Miss Meagan’s Storytime Fun
Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 am 3-5 years with caregiver
September 8: I Love Libraries!
Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with silly stories and songs and a fun craft! Get a free tote bag with your child’s first library card!
September 15: Pirates Love Libraries!
What is a pirate’s favorite letter? RRR for Reading! Get ready for Talk like a Pirate Day with silly stories and songs and a fun craft! Get a free tote bag with your child’s first library card!
September 22: Libraries are Egg-cellent!
What did the chicken say to the librarian? I love bwak, bwak, books! Celebrate National Chicken Month with silly stories and songs and a fun craft! Get a free tote bag with your child’s first library card!
September 29: Be Creative @ Your Library! Celebrate Keep Children Creative Week with silly stories and songs and a fun craft! Get a free tote bag with your child’s first library card!
Family Literacy University
Develop the six skills your child needs to be ready to read.
Little Learners Open Lab
Explore the world online with kid-friendly sites recommended by the American Library Association’s Great Web Sites for Kids committee.
Miss Meagan’s Tiny Tots Storytime
Thursdays 10:30-11 am 6-36 months with caregiver
September 9, 16, 23, 30: My First Library Card
Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with nursery rhymes, stories and songs. Inspire your future reader at our Tiny Tots Storytime. Join us for exciting stories selected just for children ages 6-36 months old. Get a free gift with your child’s first library card!
“La hora de cuentos” with Miss Rebecca
Thursdays, 7-8 pm All ages with caregiver
September 9: Mi tarjeta de la biblioteca
September 16: Me gusta la biblioteca
September 30: ¡Viva Argentina!
Mi tarjeta de la biblioteca ¡Canta, baila, y ríe en la biblioteca! Después de la hora de cuentos, aprende cómo ayudar a tu hijo a ser un buen lector en la Universidad de la Lectura Familiar. ¡Se servirán galletas! Sing, dance, and laugh in the library! After storytime, learn how to help your child become a good reader at Family Literacy University. Cookies will be served!
Sunday, September 12 Day for Children 11am-5pm
Visit our booth at Day for Children or come into the library any time to sign up for Sharkey’s Reading Club. Your signup automatically enters you into our drawing to win a Shark overnight bag! Sharkey’s Reading Club is designed to encourage early literacy and a love of reading. Sharkey’s Reading Club runs from September 12 – April 15, 2011. It is open to all ages, but especially encouraged for preschoolers.

Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month with silly stories and songs
with the Kids Crown Award Winning Shermanettes!
Get a free gift with your child’s first library card!
September 10 Video Production 101,
4:30 to 5:30 pm, for ages 13-18
Help us promote Library Card Sign-Up Month by learning how to create professional video promos. Once you’ve got it down, create a promo encouraging teens to get library cards. The winning promo(s) will be displayed on the Facebook page “Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library!”
September 12 Splash! Water Color Painting 1-3 pm
Have you seen the Splash! watercolor exhibit in the Alvin Sherman Library Gallery? Don't you wish you could create such beautiful pictures? Learn from a member of the Gold Coast Water Color Society! Joyce Lihan will teach a watercolor class for tweens and teens only. No need to bring any supplies!
Begin with a visit to the gallery for a brief tour of the Splash! exhibit. Then return to the program room where you will learn how watercolors are done. Students will have an opportunity to do one to two pictures. Registration recommended.
September 18 Teen Volunteer Orientation
2 to 4 pm, for ages 14-18
Earn community service hours for school! Visit the PLS Desk on the first floor of the library or http://blogs.library.nova.edu/teenroom/volunteer/ for applications and instructions. Limited spaces are available. Applications must be submitted prior to orientation. Applicants will be contacted via email on a first come, first serve basis to attend.
September 20 Teen Manga Club
5:30 to 6:00 pm, for ages 15-18
Discuss your favorite shōnen and shōjo! If you are not already a fellow Otaku (fan of manga), then come find out what makes them so awesome!
September 23 Students’ Guide To: E-books & Databases
3:30-4:00 pm, for ages 13-18
Start off the new school year right! Come learn about the library’s free online resources that are available 24/7 whenever you have a school assignment.
September 24 TAB Meeting 4:30-5:30 pm
For current TAB Members, Teen Room Hosts, and interested Teen Volunteers. Come discuss plans for our upcoming teen events! New to TAB? Train to become a Teen Room Host!
September 24 Romance Readers’ Teen Book Club
5:30-6:00 pm, for ages 15-18
A great pick for Hispanic Heritage Month, come discuss Romiette & Julio by Sharon Draper, a modern day twist on an old classic.
September 30 Fantasy Fanatics’ Teen Book Club
5:30-6:00 pm, for ages 15-18
Believe it or not, there are some books that people don’t want you to read! Come celebrate Banned Books Week with this month’s pick,
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman.
Hang out in the Teen Room! Play PS3 & Xbox360 video games, watch movies, or even do homework! The Teen Room is open after school and on weekends just for teens ages 13-18 whenever a Teen Room Host is available.
Check the Teen Room Blog for volunteer info, teen events, and lists of new library materials for ages 13-18 at http://blogs.library.nova.edu/teenroom.
Find us on Facebook! Get up-to-date info on teen events for ages 13-18 by becoming a fan of “Teen Events at the NSU Alvin Sherman Library” on Facebook.
Cine Argentino Film Festival
September 12,19,26 - October 3 2-5pm

Genealogy - GSBC
September 12 12-2:30pm Lab A
Join the Genealogical Society of Broward County for its monthly meeting. Bring a friend!!
Genealogy Workshop 2:30pm-4pm Lab A
Researching Your Revolutionary War Patriot Ancestor Have you ever wondered if a Revolutionary War patriot ancestor could be hidden in your family tree? Perhaps you are eligible to join the Daughters of the American Revolution or the Sons of the American Revolution and you don't even realize it. If you would like to find out, this workshop is for you!

Farquhar Faculty Lecture Series
September 23 12pm-1pm 2nd Floor Gallery
The White House Architect: James Hoban and Transatlantic IdentityAssociate Professor David Kilroy of the Farquhar College at NSU will present a lecture on the Architect of The White House.
African Diaspora Group
September 25 12:30-2:30pm
A research group for those interested in African-American Genealogy.
Computer Camp: The Basics
September 7 1-3pm
This computer class is for absolute beginners who would like to learn basic computer skills in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Class size is limited, reserve your spot TODAY!
Computer Camp: Microsoft Word 2007 Basics for Beginners
September 25 2-3pm
Gain confidence and experience in using the basic features of Word. Explore templates and the "Ribbon" menu interface. Class size is limited, reserve your spot Today!