E-NEWS : JUNE 2010

Wednesdays- Lunch Bunch
12:30-1:30pm Ages 7 & up
June 16: She Sells Sea Shells Bring your lunch, eat, learn, and have fun! Make your own shell jewelry and sand art.
June 23: Miss Margaret’s Tales from Across the Seas Bring your lunch, eat, learn, and have fun! Join professional storyteller Margaret Pashkin on a storytelling voyage across the seven seas.
June 30: Watercolor Workshop Bring your lunch, eat, learn, and PAINT! Guest artist Cindy Jenkins will teach you how to make beautiful watercolor art.
Thursdays- Silly Stories with the Shermanettes
10:30-11:30am All ages with caregiver
June 17: Silly Stories with The Shermanettes Be creative with the Kids Crown Award Winning Shermanettes! Every week we will explore the world of art, music, literature and puppetry with silly stories and songs.
June 24 Silly Stories with the Shermanettes presents Matthew Sabatella. Join us for toe-tapping tunes from the best acoustic performer in South Florida
Super Specials
Saturday, June 19 2–3pm All ages with caregiver
Salty Sue the Pirate Suzy Hammer, children’s entertainer extraordinaire, delights audiences with silly songs and stories.

Saturday, June 26 2–3pm All ages with caregiver
Fantasy Factory Theatre Fantasy Factory presents the hilarious Fantasy Soup Show
Sunday, June 27 2-3:30pm All age with caregiver
Beach Blanket Movie Specials
Bring a blanket or beach chair to the art gallery and enjoy one of your favorite family films on a big screen. Call 954-262-5477 for movie title.
Totally Tweens: Tuesdays 2-3pm Ages 9-12
June 15: Sun, Sand, and Surf
Start your summer fun by decorating a beach bag or hat that you can use all summer long! We’ll be using paint, so dress for a mess!
June 22: Manatees!
Learn about one of Florida’s favorite and most well-known endangered animals: the manatee. Our special guest will be Ryan Goldman, from the Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department.
June 29: Watercolor Workshop
Special guest artist Cindy Jenkins will teach us how to use watercolors. Come create your masterpiece!
Tuesday Teen Movie Nights – Every Tuesday
6-8pm, ages 13-18
Chow down on free snacks while you watch a movie with friends!
June 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5 – Teen Volunteer Orientation
2-4pm, for ages 14-18
Don’t miss your chance to become a teen volunteer this summer!! Visit http://blogs.library.nova.edu/teenroom/volunteer/ for applications and instructions. Limited spaces are available. Applications must be submitted prior to orientation. Applicants will be contacted via email on a first come, first serve basis to attend.
June 7 – Teen Manga Club
5:30-6pm, for ages 15-18
Come discuss your favorite shōnen and shōjo with fellow Otaku (fans of manga)!
June 13 – “Make Waves” Summer Reading Game
Pick up your summer reading log and play throughout the summer for a chance to win awesome prizes!
June 22 – Fantasy Fanatics Teen Book Club
5:30-6pm, for ages 15-18
This month’s pick is Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Refresh your memory of the third book in the Twilight Saga before you go see the movie! Be ready to defend Team Jacob or Team Edward!
June 23 – Get Your Game On
3-4pm, ages 13-18
Take the challenge to become the next champion of Guitar Hero, DDR, and more!
June 25 – Romance Readers Teen Book Club
5:30-6pm, for ages 15-18
This month’s pick is This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. Cynical teenager Remy does not believe in true love. After all, her mother, a romance author, has already been married five times! But when Remy literally bumps into Dexter, a rock musician, she soon begins to question her views on love.
June 27 – Orchid Essentials: Start Your Journey to the Exciting Hobby of Orchid Growing!
1 -3pm. Room 1017. Pre-registration requested.
Newcomers to orchids will enjoy this class presented by Sandi Jones and Tom Wells, co-owners of Broward Orchid Supply and Orchid Curators at the Bonnet House Museum & Garden in Ft. Lauderdale. Sandi and Tom are orchid hobbyists with about 700 orchids of their own and over 30 years of combined growing experience.
Learn how to choose the correct orchids for the best growing area and what to give them so that they grow and flower beautifully, i.e. - water, light, fertilizer, temperature. Sandi and Tom will also demonstrate how to pick the correct pot and the proper potting materials to use. Start your journey into the exciting hobby of orchid growing!

June 9 E-mail Beyond the Basics
1- 3pm Learn how to organize your inbox, attach pictures and documents to your e-mail and more. Pre- registration begins May 26. Click here to register
June 23 Blogging 1-3pm Establish an online presence with a Wordpress blog. Learn how to create categories, post , add pictures and more. Pre-registration begins June 9th. Click here to register
Resume Writing Resources 101
6/16, 6/18, 6/30
1:00 PM –or- 2:00 PM 2nd floor - Lab B
Schedule a personal one to one overview with our librarian who will help you discover the many tools available to help you create a successful resume. You’ll also learn about the many electronic library resources.
Since these are one to one sessions, you must schedule an appointment and bring the following: NSU SharkLink Account or NSU Public Card , Flash drive or a disk to download information and access to a personal email account.
Make your appointment with Sarah Cisse at: Email: sc1169@nova.edu
Phone: 954-262-4649