The university’s primary colors are NSU Blue (PMS 287C) and Main Gray (PMS 430C). Use these colors at 100 percent opacity whenever possible. NSU Blue should be present on all visual communication materials whenever possible.
NSU’s color palettes are designed to boldly enhance our visual elements. For print, there is a primary color palette that you should use for most applications, and a secondary palette that should be used sparingly to complement the primary colors. For web, the primary and secondary palettes consist of colors that are used specifically on NSU web pages.
The palettes are available in the following formats:
- RGB - for computer monitors and other electronic display screens
- CMYK or Pantone™ - for print applications
- HEX - for HTML and web-based use
Print - Primary Colors
Pantone: 289
CMYK: 100-76-12-70
RGB: 12-35-64
Hex: #0C2340
Pantone: 287
CMYK: 100-81-0-23
RGB: 0-42-132
Hex: #002A84
Pantone: 285
CMYK: 90-47-0-0
RGB: 0-110-204
Hex: #006ECC
Pantone: 284
CMYK: 54-19-0-0
RGB: 102-169-228
Hex: #66A9E4
Pantone: 430
CMYK: 50-34-27-11
RGB: 118-130-138
Hex: #76828A
Pantone: 431
CMYK: 63-45-34-25
RGB: 187-194-198
Hex: #54616B
Pantone: 428
CMYK: 21-13-8-0
RGB: 187-194-198
Hex: #BBC2C6
Print - Secondary Colors
The secondary palette is inspired by colors found on our campuses and the university’s tropical setting: the sun, sand, blue skies, seas, and palm trees. Their transparency can be screened back to the percentages shown. Colors from NSU's secondary palette should not be used as background colors behind text, unless for the purpose of one-line calls to action or website buttons.
Pantone: 130
CMYK: 0-32-100-0
RGB: 239-163-0
Hex: #EFA300
Pantone: 021
CMYK: 0-74-100-0
RGB: 253-76-0
Hex: #FD4C00
Pantone: 390
CMYK: 20-0-100-8
RGB: 177-187-0
Hex: #B1BB00
Pantone: 326
CMYK: 81-0-38-0
RGB: 0-173-166
Hex: #00ADA6
Pantone: 3115
CMYK: 70-0-13-0
RGB: 0-189-211
Hex: #00BDD3
Web Content Accessibility: Color Contrast
The following table serves as a guide, as determined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, for web color combinations that have a high enough contrast to be accessible to people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision. When using a background color for a section on the NSU website, this guide will help determine which text color can be used on top of it to meet accessibility standards.
Large text is defined as 14 point (typically 18.66px) and bold or larger, or 18 point (typically 24px) or larger.
A "Pass" indicator signifies that this color combination is a high enough contrast to be accessible as per the text size defined. A "Fail" indicator signifies that the color combination is not accessible and should not be used with the indicated text size.
Web - Primary Colors
The primary web palette consists of colors that are used specifically on NSU web pages. The university’s most prominent primary color is NSU Blue. Use this color at 100 percent opacity whenever possible. NSU Blue should be present on all visual communication materials whenever possible.
CMYK: 100-68-0-71
RGB: 0-23-73
Hex: #001749
CMYK: 100-70-0-15
RGB: 0-56-147
Hex: #003893
CMYK: 91-53-0-0
RGB: 0-112-205
Hex: #0070cd
CMYK: 8-1-0-0
RGB: 229-241-250
Hex: #E5F1FA
CMYK: 3-0-0-87
RGB: 32-33-3
Hex: #202121
CMYK: 54-41-38-4
RGB: 125-134-140
Hex: #7c858c
CMYK: 0-0-0-8
RGB: 235-235-235
Hex: #ebebeb
CMYK: 0-0-0-0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Hex: #ffffff
Web - Secondary Colors
The secondary web palette is inspired by colors found on our campuses and the university’s tropical setting: the sun, sand, blue skies, seas, and palm trees.
Note: H2 headlines located in the intro section or first paragraph at the top of a web page by default are NSU blue and shouldn’t be changed to a secondary color.
CMYK: 1-2-6-0
RGB: 253-248-237
Hex: #fdf8ed
CMYK: 20-79-88-8
RGB: 187-82-53
Hex: #bb5235
CMYK: 24-81-90-16
RGB: 24-81-90-16
Hex: #a7492f
CMYK: 6-0-1-0
RGB: 236-251-254
Hex: #ecfbfe
CMYK: 86-34-39-5
RGB: 0-129-143
Hex: #00818f
CMYK: 89-41-45-13
RGB: 4-112-123
Hex: #04707b
CMYK: 2-1-8-0
RGB: 247-248-235
Hex: #f7f8eb
CMYK: 56-36-100-16
RGB: 115-124-51
Hex: #737c33
CMYK: 59-40-100-24
RGB: 101-109-44
Hex: #656d2c
Web Color Application Guidelines
Apply: Use the web primary colors as a base of branded tones and apply secondary colors as accents to call out important information, such as fast facts, statistics or iconography. For iconography that uses the secondary web palette, please use the mid-tone colors.
Group: When using multiple versions of a secondary color, group them together on the page in subsequent sections so application looks cohesive. Secondary colors can be used for H2 and H3 headers, buttons, and as backgrounds. Dark-tone versions are mostly used for content contrast against another version of the same color (For example, the light palm green and the mid-tone palm green can be placed together to compare, contrast, and visually tell your story). Once a secondary color has been used on the page, try not to use it again unless necessary. With a robust suite of web colors, you will never run out of inspiration.
Review & Moderate: Secondary colors should be used in moderation to spice up your content. A lot of color can be overwhelming if not balanced. When needed, edit down. Use white space and text in between your colored content sections to create a balanced look.
Contact Us
For more information on the usage of NSU brand elements, please email the Division of Public Relations, Marketing, and Creative Services at or contact the Office of Printing and Publications.